I love you

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"I-I'm sorry. I had a bad flashback, just ignore it." She cried. No, I'm not ignoring this. Something isn't right, first she blacks out in my room, now this. "Princess, no. I won't ignore it, I don't think you should go to work today, you blacked out and now this. What if something happens at work?" She didn't look happy. "No! I have a bloody flat to pay for Thomas. You're an actor who probably makes tones of money, you don't have to worry like I do. Just, get out! I'm fine on my own!"

I... I've never seen her like that. I honestly feel like crying. So I ran out the flat, and up to my own. I slammed the door shut and realised Dylan, Ki-Hong, Kaya and Will were sat in my living room. I sighed and slumped down to the floor with my back against the door, "Everything okay with your new lover?" Dylan joked. I've had enough, I can't. I just want to know what happened. "No. I don't want to talk, I'm going to my room. Don't follow me." Everyone looked shocked, they've never seen me like this before.
I ran to my room and slammed the door shut and flung myself onto my bed face first.

No one sees this side of me, but I'm actually quite a sensitive person. Any sort of argument with someone I love or someone I'm close with. I hurts me, especially when I don't know how it happened. Like this. What if Rosie doesn't want to see me again? I'm only worried about her. Maybe I over stepped a line, we've only known eachother four days. I sighed and covered my head with my pillow to try and stop my head from talking shit, I hate overthinking. I honestly think its what makes me seem crazy. I think I'm just gonna sleep it off and hope Rosie comes round. I ended up crying myself to sleep that day.

-Rosie's p.o.v-
I'm so sick of people telling me what to do. I love Thomas, I really do, but I just. Ugh. I'm gonna go for a run before I shower to calm down. I'd only just closed my door when I heard someone shouting me. "Oh, h-hi Dylan." I croaked. "Are you two okay? Thomas ran to his room, he looked really upset." I sighed and slumped to the floor on my knees, "I don't know Dylan..." I cried, I cried infront bloody Dylan O'Brien.

Jeez, what am I doing?

"Hey, its okay. Come on, come talk to him. He won't let any of us in his room, he might let you. He never shuts up about you you know, he really likes you." Dylan's the sweetest guy. He's so calming and caring. "H-He does?" I stood myself up, my legs were like jelly. Dylan caught me as I started to fall, "D-Do you want me to pick you up? You don't seem so good..." I sighed and nodded my head. "I just want Thomas." I croaked. I watched Dylan pick me up and carry me back up the stairs, I found Kaya and Will sat on his sofa. Kaya was giving me a dirty look. "Leave it Kaya, Rosie's upset too."

Thats when I heard Thomas's bedroom door. A very red nosed, puffy eyed and messy haird Thomas stood in the doorway. "Y-You're upset?" He croaked. He looked so upset, so lost and hurt. He was holding his arm with his other hand, he was standing so fragile. So I ran to him and hugged him tighter than ever, and I felt him wrap his arms around me even tighter. "I love you babygirl." He mumbled. "I love you too." I replied.

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