Thomas's Surprise

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-Thomas's p.o.v-
I know Rosie really wanted to go to pizza express, but Dylan and I have hired out an entire restaurant for dinner. I invited her friends down earlier than expected too, I know she's feeling a little homesick at the moment and when I told Michael, he was all for it! It took him less than a day to get back to me about the others.

I'm struggling to contain my excitement, I can't wait to see the look on her face. I had to ring Garry and get him to take us there, obviously I told him where we're going before he got to our appartment building so I didn't ruin the surprise. Oh gosh, we're here! I can see it!

"Well, enjoy your night guys." Garry smirked. I thanked him as I stepped out of our car and held the door open for Rosie and Dylan.

"This isn't pizza express! Tommy, what do you have planned!?" I had the biggest smile on my face, I could feel the aches from it. "You'll see gorgeous, follow me." I replied. I held my hand out as she stepped out of our car, all three of us walked up the pathway. "Can I cover your eyes love? If you trust me. I want you to be surprised." She looked totally confused but agreed.

I gently covered her eyes with my hands and guided her into the restaurant while Dylan held the door open.
Everyone was here as planned; Michael, Jade, Ryan, Chloe and Scott. As well as Kaya, Ki-Hong and Will. Even her brother flew in from Ireland to see her, I couldn't be happier right now.

"Okay, are you ready gorgeous?"
"Yea." Bless her heart, she sounded so nervous.

As I took my hands away from her everyone shouted surprise, the look on her face was priceless and full of joy. "Tommy! Did you do all this?!" She squealed as she wrapped her arms around my torso. "I sure did love, I know you've been feeling home sick lately, I thought this might help. Look, even your brother came." She gasped and ran over to him for a hug, I don't think I've ever seen anything more adorable. "Harry!" She squealed. "I missed you!" "I missed you too." He replied through a smile.

She slowly walked back over to me and linked arms with me. "So erm, what's for dinner? I'm starving!" Everyone giggled at her question. "Haven't changed one bit have you kidda?" Ryan laughed. "Nope." She replied, popping the p.

"Well, I know you wanted pizza so I booked out this Itallian place, its a buffet style. Anything you want. Also, you can go back for more." I nudged her playfully, which made her giggle. "Thankyou Tommy." She smiled up at me and rested her chin on my abs.

"I love you Thomas." She smiled

"And I love you too my love." I replied, while gracefully returning her adorable smile.

"You two are so so cute! I totally ship Romas!!" Oh god, I can't believe Jade has a pet name for us already!

"Omg, Romas! Thats adorable!" Kaya squealed.

Oh great, Romas. Here comes the teasing. Actually... Romas... Yeah, I like it, has a ring to it.

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