We Need To Talk

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"I don't want better than you Rosie, you're perfect to me princess. I know you've been through a lot in the past, I can see it in your eyes. I want to be the guy who fixes you, the guy who gets to keep you forever. I'd do anything to make it happen, I've never felt this way about a girl before."

She closed the door again and fell into my arms. "I-I can't go to work like this can I?" I sighed, I'm glad she agrees on it at least. "No love. I'd be too worried about you, something could happen during your shift. Let me take care of you tonight." "Let us take care of you two." Will butted in. Why do I need taking care of? I'm fine, I just want Rosie to be safe. "What do you mean us two? I-I'm fine, just worried that's all Will." I kept my arm round Rosie's waist as we walked over to the sofa and sat down. Rosie sat on my lap and nestled her head into the crook of my neck. I wiped away some of her tears and kissed her on her forehead while Will continued speaking, "You both need to talk about everything, and you can't do that while you're taking care of her Tom."

I sighed, I know he's right. "How 'bout it then love?" Rosie sighed, "I-I guess so but you guys are here to see Tommy, you shouldn't be taking care of us. Maybe I should just go..." Rosie sounded so hurt. "No. Stay. I think it's pretty obvious Tom will worry more if you're on your own." Kaya's right, I'd be a nervous wreck. Rosie wouldn't listen though, she just shook her head. "No, you guys are here to see him, not me. See you soon Tommy, I love you."

Before I could even stand up or speak, Rosie had left my appartment. It didn't feel real. Have I lost her? Should I message her? I don't know.

"Are you okay man?" Dylan asked. "I-I don't know. I love how independent she is but I just wanna know she's safe. You know..." I curled up into a ball on the edge of my sofa and stared at my phone. "I know dude, she'll come round. Women always do eventually, right Kaya?" I heard Kaya chuckle to herself, "He's right Thomas, just give her time. Sometimes that's all we need."

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