Dinner plans

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Thomas pulled me closer to his chest, I didn't think it was possible to be any closer to him than I already was. We sat there in silence for a while, just cuddling. Every now and then he'd kiss my temple and brush my cheek with his finger when he saw the smile fade from my face. "I need the remote Tommy." I whined. I heard him giggle as his long muscular arm stretched out further than mine could ever reach, "Here you go love." He whispered as he passed me the remote. I smiled and said thankyou while I scrolled through netflix. "What do you want to watch?" I asked. "I don't mind, you choose." "But I don't know what to watch Tommy." I heard him giggle again, "I'll pick something then love." He said while he kissed my lips.

Eventually, Thomas picked a movie called Project X. Niether of us had seen it before, Thomas had heard of it but I hadn't. Apparently Dylan recommended it too him, I can see why. It was fun, what I watched of it anyways before I fell asleep. Again.

I woke up at around 3:30, in my bed. Thomas was nowhere to be seen which upset me a little.

I jumped when I heard my bedroom door open, "There's my gorgeous girl! Why is it you always fall asleep when we watch movies huh?" Thomas giggled, so did I. "I don't know, I don't when I'm on my own. I guess you're just too comfy." We both laughed. I stretched my arms out infront, hoping Thomas would realise I want a cuddle. He did. "You're adorable when you do that." He whispered. I didn't reply, I only hugged him tighter. "Dylan rang me after I put you to bed, they're all still up there, I said we're okay. D-Do you mind if Dylan comes down? Kaya, Will and Ki-Hong want to go out for a while." I stretched and yawned before answering, "I don't mind. If you and Dylan wanna go out with them, I don't mind that either. They are here to see you after all Tommy."

"Nope, I'm spending my time with you before I have to go back on set. I want to get to know my gorgeous girl."

God, he's amazing. "Why don't we go for pizza? I want to get out of this place." I hate being stuck inside all day, it drives me crazy! "That sounds lovely, should I tell Dylan?" I nodded and smiled. "Can we go to pizza express? I haven't been to one in months!" "Of corse, I'll book us a table. How does 7pm sound love?" I nodded, "Sounds great, it means I can go and get in the shower!"

I jumped out of my bed, I froze for a second as I regained my balance. "Everything okay love?" I nodded. "Yea, just needed to balance myself." I felt Thomas hug me from behind, my heart melted when he nuzzled his nose into my neck. "Can Dylan wait with me in your appartment love? I'll call the restaurant while you're in the shower." "Of corse he can, I'll shout you when I'm out the shower so you know the bathroom is free. I love you." I spun round and kissed him on his soft lips. "I love you too." He whispered.

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