The ex

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-Thomas' p.o.v-
Rosie and I had fallen asleep, again. I was cuddling her from behind while my arms were wrapped round her body, holding her closer than ever. I really didn't want to wake her but unfortunately, my girl has work in a few hours. I gently pressed little wet kisses on her cheek and down her neck until she woke up. "Hey Tommy" she groaned in a very groggy voice. "Hey beautiful. I didn't want to wake you but I know you have work soon, why don't we get up so you can start getting ready? I'll order food." She groaned, she's so cute when she wakes up.

I pulled her up and sat her in my lap so that she was now eye level with me. She was still struggling to keep her eyes open, I couldn't help but giggle to myself. "What's so funny?" She moaned. "Nothing love, you're just adorable when you first wake up." She smiled and leaned into my shoulder. "Come on you, I don't want you to be late for work now." She groaned again and I chuckled. I'm exactly the same as Rosie to be honest, its just cute the way she is about it.

-Rosie's p.o.v-
"Tommy, can we get pizza?" I'm seriously craving pizza, its been so long! "Of corse love." I smiled and kissed him on the lips. His lips are so soft and gentle, he's honestly perfect. I've seriously never fell for someone so quickly, I just hope Thomas isn't like my ex.

>Back Story of the ex<
I was with him for a few months before it all started. Then it went on for a year, I was too scared to tell anyone. He said he'd hurt me even more jf I did. I have no idea how I'm ever going to tell Thomas, if I ever get the courage to tell him. Just after getting over my dad hurting my brother and I, I never thought I'd be in a relationship where I get hurt the way I did.

His name was Jake. He was such a sweet guy at the start. Then he started hitting me and forcing me to stay in his flat. He'd get worse when he was drunk, exactly like Dad. I finally caved after a year, I ran out of his flat and straight to Michael's house and told him everything, it felt so good to finally tell someone. Long story short; after telling Michael, we got him arrested and Michael let me live at his until I found this job in London.

                  >End of the ex<
-Thomas's p.o.v-
"Blossom? Hey. Are you okay princess? You've gone really pale." She jumped when I placed my hand on her shoulder. Her eyes filled with tears, "Hey, its okay love. Its only me, Tommy." She started shaking, I watched her bring her knees up to her chin and she wrapped her arms round her legs, thats when she started to cry. "Please don't hurt me." She cried. Why would I ever hurt her? She's beautiful and she's my girl, I could never hurt my girl. "I could never hurt you princess. What's going on? I'm worried about you..."

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