Thomas Cooks!

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(A/N, i know it seems small to some people but thankyouuu for 55 reads! I've been so nervous about publishing my old stories so 55 is a BIG deal to me!!😍)
"What do you want to eat love?" Thomas asked as he wiped the tears feom my face as he smiled sweetly. "Im not fussy, something easy?" I said through the sniffles and heavy breathing. "Okay blossom, i'll be right back. Here, have my hoodie to snuggle with while I cook." I smiled as I took his hoodie.

He walked over to the kitchen area and started cooking, it smelt amazing! "Hey, Rose, do you drink alcohol? I have a couple of beers in the fridge that I've not drank yet... would you like one? Its not too strong."

To be honest, I did drink a little back home but not much. Although Thomas offered, I thought I'd try it. "Yea I do, thank you Tommy." I said as he passed me a bottle and a glass, I tried it, it tasted alright actually.

About 20 minutes later, Thomas came over with two plates of food that smelt absolutely amazing.

"Wow Tommy, this looks and smells amazing! I had no idea you could cook!"

Thomas chuckled, "I hope you like curry, I can't make a lot of food, just s couple of dishes."

I took a few mouthfuls, gosh did it taste amazing! "I love it Tommy!"

We ate our food, once we had finished I went to take Thomas' plate but he grabbed my hand and sat me back down. "No no, let me do that blossom, you're my guest." I sighed, why is he so sweet? "But Tommyyy, you did it in my flat. Let me do i-" he kissed me on the lips! Only a peck, but still on the lips! "No. You're my guest. You've had a hard day, just relax blossom" he said sternly as he took the plates back over to the kitchen.

"Now, I have no clothes here for you to sleep in love, I mean, thats if you'd want to stay over. But you can sleep in one of my tshirts if you'd like" he said softly as he snuggled up to me again, "thank you Tommy, how did you know I wanted to stop again?" I questioned with a smirk across my face. "Just a feeling, I'd feel better knowing you were safe with me too" he whispered.

That made me smile, I do feel safer with him. That flat gets real lonely, sometimes scary.

It was around 10pm when me and Thomas decided to go to bed. "I hope you don't mind but, I'm just going to take a quick shower blossom. Feel free to change into my tshirt, i'll leave it on the side here." He said as he stripped it off of his body. "Thank you Tommy" I replied with a smile. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead "i wont be long" he whispered before shutting his bathroom door to.

I got undressed and into his tshirt and climbed into bed. I looked around his bedroom while I waited, it was very neat and... stylish? His room was grey and white, grey flooring and white walls. Pictures of him, dylan, kaya and Ki hung on his walls in black picture frames. I glanced at his bedside table, there was a picture of him, his mum, dad and sister. How sweet. In the corner, I noticed an acoustic guitar. At the foot of his bed on the oposite wall was a dresser and his wall mounted tv, it was quite big... around 52" I'd say. On top of his dresser was a PS4, I never imagined he'd be into gaming.

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