The Past Never Fades

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So me and Thomas sat and ate lunch in the quiet little park. We talked and talked. "So, Rosie? You say your parents aren't together anymore? D...Do you mind me asking why? I mean, I'd never tell anyone why but you don't have to tell me if you don't want too."

I thought about it.

Ugh, I may as well tell him now. I'll have to tell him eventually, the more I put it off the more awkward it'll be to tell him...

I took a deep breath... "My dad... well, you see; when me and my brother were younger, he abused us... both of us. Physically a-and, erm..." I started to shake, I took another deep breath before told him, "a-and sexually" I murmured. Thomas gasped, his eyes filled with shock. "Oh Rosie, I-I'm so sorry blossom... that must have been awful." I nodded, I felt tears starting to fill my eyes. I think Thomas noticed, "Hey, Hey. Its okay, come here love" he said patting at his thighs. I sat on his lap, he cradled me in his arms as I buried my head into his chest and clung onto his shirt.

"Don't you worry, I'll always protect you blossom."

I felt him rub my shoulder and back for comfort as he kissed my forehead. "Why don't you go to the bathroom and freshen up sweetheart? I'll get this stuff packed in takeout boxes and call Garry." I sniffled and nodded. I walked into the cafe and to the bathroom, I stood infront of the mirror and fixed my mascara. I looked down at my hands, they were still shaky.

What the hell do you think you're doing? First you tell your mother on me, and now? Now you tell a stupid boy? You're dead Rosie. Wait till i get out of jail.

I jumped, I looked in the mirror and there he was behind my shoulder, clear as day... My dad, holding a knife. His eyes filled with anger... "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted as I ran out the door and flew into Thomas' arms. Only when I knew I was safe in Thomas' arms, I realised people were staring and giving me weird looks.

Great, I've just made a right fool of myswlf...

I cried, cried into Thomas' shirt. I cried so much his shirt had gotten wet.

Oh no, what have I done?

"Come on love, Garry's waiting. Lets get you home and settled again." Thomas said as he directed me out the café door. I clinged onto his arm as we drove home. "Here you go you two, I hope you're better soon Rosie." I smiled weakly before Thomas carried me out the car and up to his apartment.

He had the penthouse sweet and boy, was it gorgeous. "I-I'm sorry Thomas." I whispered as he sat me down on his corner sofa. "Its alright love, you're safe now. How about you have some of your Pepsi? Sugar might stop the shakes blossom." I smiled as I took a sip of my Pepsi. Thomas sat down next to me and I laid my head on his thighs as he started to gently stroke my hair.

Eventually, I fell asleep with him once again.

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