Thomas's Words

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Thomas came in and shut the door behind him, he then picked me up and walked over to my couch. I was sat in his arms once again, its quickly becoming my favourite place in the world to be. "How much have you drank love?" I sighed, "Almost a full bottle of vodka Tommy... I can't do it anymore. I thought moving away would help but I miss my friends, I miss home and its not even been a week. I'm just weak... why do you want someone like me?" I felt him kiss my forehead gently before he spoke, "You're not weak Rosie. Everyone copes differently with moving and stress, at least you have me and you're not alone. I love you, I've always believed in love at first sight, you're such a beautiful girl. Please... let me fix you princess."

I cried. Damn it, I'm so sick of crying but he's just amazing with his words. "Promise me you won't leave Thomas." I felt him lift my chin with his index finger, I was now staring into his deep brown eyes, "I couldn't dream of life without you now, I'm never leaving you. I know its madness to some people for how little time we've known each other but let me tell you something, my grandparents were exactly the same as us. They fell for eachother the moment they met and never parted, ever. I've always wanted something like that, I feel like I have that with you." Why is he the most adorable man ever? Now I feel like my tears are full of happiness. "I love you, you're amazing with your words you know. You calm me down every time, I always dreamed of a guy like you. Obviously you're my idol but I never thought I'd actually get to be with you."

He had the biggest smile on his face, maybe I should tell him what the fans have said... "T-Tommy..." he raised his eyebrow, "The fans... They found my Instagram. I-I've had some hate already, some DM's..." his face quickly changed from happy to sad. "Can I see princess?" I nodded shyly as I reached for my phone.

I put in my passcode and handed him the phone. He was shocked, I could see it all over his face. "They're wrong. I'm not using you as a rebound, you're far from ugly. Please ignore it love, I'll deal with it the next time the press see me." I nodded and kissed him on the cheek, "Can we cuddle and watch netflix? I wanna take my mind off it all." He locked my phone and put it to the side with his, "Of corse babygirl. Come here you."

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