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After eating breakfast, Ki and Dylan decided that they were going to get ready, so I gave Thomas the option to come to mine and get ready with me in my flat. Thomas agreed to the idea, which left two huge smirks across both Ki and Dylan's faces.

As I was packing my bag, I started to feel like i was getting a headache, great, nothing worse! I stood up straight and fell backwards. Before I hit the floor I heard Thomas shout my name and I heard him run towards me, but he was too late.

"Rosie. Princess? Its okay, I'm here." I feel as if I've been trampled on by elephants. I looked up at Thomas and realised we weren't in his anymore. "W-Where. Oh-" I quickly realised that we're back at mine, just Thomas and I. "I thought you might want some quiet time princess, do those blackouts happen often? I was so worried, Ki was the one who calmed me down while Dylan carried you here." I'm not sure why, but Thomas' voice has never failed to calm me down so far. "Not really. I started with a headache, I-I still have one now Tommy..." Realising how much pain I was still in reduced me to tears.

I watched Thomas sit next to me on the sofa and gently pull me into his lap before he spoke again, "Don't worry blossom, we're not going anywhere, I'm not going anywhere, I promise." I smiled up at him weakly as I felt him gently rest one hand on my forehead while his other ran through my hair. It was surprisingly calming and comforting. "Did you not have plans with the boys today?" He shook his head, "Nope. We were going to lunch with them, Kaya and Will but i'd rather make sure my princess is looked after." I sighed and frowned at him, he replied with a confused look but I could see he wanted to smile. "I'm nearly 21, I can take care of myself Thomas!" As I finished my sentence, I started to walk away from him but I lost my balance again. "And I'm nearly 25 and know how to take care of my girlfriend. What if you'd hurt yourself just now? Your phone is over on the sofa, you couldn't have called me or anything. I would be left worrying!" I sighed again in defeat, I guess its cute how much he cares, I'm just not used to boys like him. I let him pick me up and carry me back to the sofa.

"Now, what were you storming off for princess?" I groaned in pain, "I was going to get into something comfier" a smirk appeared on his cute little face, "come on, I'll carry you."

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