Closing Shift

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I put my hair up in a messy bun and hopped into the shower again, I didn't want to go to work all hot and sweaty from my run. I made some lunch and prepped my dinner. Then my phone started ringing, it was Jade, my best friend.

Jade: "hey girl! How's London?"
Me: "Jadeee!! Its great, kinda nerve racking though" I chuckled.
Jade: "yeh, I bet. I couldn't do that! I have good news!"
Me: "go onnn, tell me girl!!"
Jade: "well, next month... me, Scott, Michal, and Chloe are coming down to see you!! We wanted to suprise you but I told them that it'd be a bad idea with your job."
Me: "oh my godddd!! I can't wait!! When?"
Jade: "erm, 16th April. We'll be there for two weeks dude!"
Me: "Cool! I'm so excited to show you guys around!, And the apartment! Anyway, I gotta start getting ready for work. Call you soon girl!"
Jade: "we can't wait! Speak soon!"

Wow, I haven't seen those guys in weeks! I'm so glad they're coming down!

I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day. I can't wait to see the guys again! It was soon 5:30pm, I better head out to work.

I got to work, Cameron was there waiting for me. "Good Evening Rosie. I'm not staying, just here to show you where things are for when you close the bar down later. Follow me." He said with a smile. No matter what was happenig, Cameron always had a smile I noticed. He took me into a back room and started pointing things out, "and over here is where we keep the keys for the bar covers. We put them down at around 11:50, it gives people an idea that its time to move on. Here's the book for the stock take. You gonna be alright tonight?" I nodded, "Yep, thanks for showing me where things are." Cameron smiled again, "No worries. I gotta run, good luck!"

And with that, I was left to work.

A few hours had past me by, it was kind of dead. A couple of elderly couples had come in for their usual pints. It was around 8:45pm, I was pretty bored to be honest.

Then, a tall, sandy blond haired guy walked in and slumped at the end of the bar on a bar stool. "My usual please Da- oh, hello. Where's Dan?" He said with a tired looking smile. "He's off sick I'm afraid. What's your usual?" I repied smiling back at him. Wow, he was handsome, and he looks really familiar, but its hard to tell in this dull lighting. "A double rum and coke please love." I nodded and made his drink, "£4.80 please, but I'm sure you know that already" I chuckled. "Keep the change love. A-Are you new? I've not seen you here before." I nodded and smiled. "Yep, I'm new to London too. I moved down 4 days ago."

"Wow, that's a brave move. So... do you live around here then?"

"Yeah. I live in the Ulster apartments, third floor."

His eyes lit up, "So do I! Its peacful round there isn't it? That's why I moved. I-I'm and actor you see, living round here gives me some peace and quiet from the fans." He chuckled, as did I. "W-What have you been in? I might have seen some" I asked cautiously. "Quite a few love. My most recent one being The Maze Runner, and the Scortch Trials. I stared in Nanny McPhee and Love Actually when I was a child too."

Oh my gosh, it can't be...

"I-I'm sorry? A-Are you Thomas Brodie Sangster by any chance?!" I said as quietly as I could, not to attract any attention to him. He chuckled, "Yes, yes I am love. And thankyou, thankyou for saying it quietly. I may be a regular in here but no one knows my name." I gasped and blushed... "Wowww, its so nice to meet you Thomas. I-I am quite a big fan."

I think he noticed I was blushing. "Well love, I usually stay 'till closing. How about I walk you home? Since we live in the same apartmemt building and all." I must have had the biggest grin on my face, "That would be lovely Thomas, thankyou

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