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-Rosie's p.o.v-
I ran down to my appartment, locked the door and put the chain on so that no one could get in, even with Thomas's spare key. I just want to be alone. I should never have spoken to Thomas in the first place, relationships shouldn't be this complicated. Its not fair on Thomas, not at all.

I ran to my room and got changed into pyjama shorts and an old t-shirt before I went to my living room. I feel so guilty, I love Thomas, I always have. It just feels like its never going to work. His fans havs already found my Instagram account, I've had a few hate comments and DM's asking if I am Thomas's girlfriend but I haven't told him yet. I can't...

I don't know what I want right now, I regret walking out and leaving Thomas there but I didn't want to invade his space. They're his friends, not mine.

I grabbed some alcohol from my cupboard and sat under my blanket and drank. I could hear my phone ringing and ringing, I have a feeling its Thomas but I just don't know what to say.

I'd finally rang Cameron, my boss, he was very understanding. I have two more days off. Its so stressful moving places, I'm so thankful to have a boss as kind and caring as Cameron.

I checked my other messages while I was on my phone. 5 missed calls from Thomas, 5 voicemails which I'm assuming are from Thomas. He'd also messaged me numerous times, so had Dylan. I decided it was time to text Thomas, at least to tell him that Cameron has given me some time off.

M: Cameron gave me two more days off, he completely understood. I love you Tommy, I just wanna be alone xx

Barely a minute had passed before Thomas had replied.

T: I love you too Rosie. I'm glad Cameron understood, are you okay princess? I'm sorry if I over stepped a line love, you mean the world to me, I just want you to know that. X

I sighed, he's honestly the best man I could ever ask for. Its literally a dream come true.

M: I promise you didn't, I just got overwhelmed. I'll be okay, I promise. You mean the world to me too, I'm just scared of fans finding out. Xx

I really can't tell him they have already, I don't think he's ready yet. I'm definitely not. It could destroy us...

T: I know fans have already found out princess, we need to talk about it sooner or later. I don't want you getting upset over it, please let me in love xxx

M: Are you outside? The chain is on, I need to take it off xx

T: I'm on my way down love, just me. They guys have pizza and mario kart, they'll be good for a few hours xxx

I heard a knock at the door, I'm guessing it was Thomas. I slowly unhooked the chain and unlocked the door, Thomas flew his arms around me and hugged me tight. I couldn't help but cry, it happens when I drink. That's why I try not to drink often but sometimes it just gets too much. Its unhealthy, I know.

"Are you drinking love? I didn't know you did that..." I didn't know what to say. "I... I don't drink often, everythings just too much. The stress of moving, the fans, I'm scared about everything Tommy."

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