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I grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom, "Love, wait!" I slowly turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Yes Tommy?" He slowly strolled over with the cheekiest, most adorable smirk on his face. "Hurry, I'll miss you gorgeous." He whispered.

That made me smile, a lot. I could almost feel it aching. He's such a softy. "I'll miss you too handsome." I hugged him tightly. "Go get Dylan, I won't be too long I promise." He pouted, "Okayyy. Hurry though." I giggled. "I will!"

I jumped into the warm shower and let the water run down my body and face. I used a Hollister body wash today, I wanted to smell extra nice for Tommy and I just love the smell of them. I made sure I shaved my legs too, its getting warmer outside I might actually wear a dress.

I jumped out the shower and wrapped myself in my big towel. I slowly opened my bedroom door, Thomas and Dylan were sat on my sofa. "Tommy" I hollered. His eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face when he saw me, "Yes love?" He said while standing up. "I love you." I replied as he stopped inches away from me. "I love you too blossom. Our table is booked at 7:15." I smiled. "Okay. I'll get ready. Hey Dylan." I realised I hadn't even acknowledged Dylan yet. "Hey girl, I'm glad you two are okay now." I smiled awkwardly. "Me too. See you guys soon. Tommy, no peaking. Keep an eye on him Dylan." We all laughed. "I will, don't worry."

I decided I was going to wear a dress today. Nothing fancy, just a knee length navy blue skater dress with cute little white butterflies on them. I did my hair first, I dried and curled not tight curls but like, beach waves. I wasn't too fussy with my makeup, just light with a little bit of brown eyshaddow on my crease.

I was in the middle of putting my dress on when I heard my door creak open. "You look gorgeous!" Thomas spoke through a gasp. I blushed and stared down at my feet, "T-Thanks. C-Could you maybe help me with the zip at the back Tommy?" He smiled as he walked over to me. "Of corse love, just let me move your hair out of the way."

It tickled as he brushed the hair off my back. Once Thomas helped me with my zip I spun round and stood on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Thankyou handsome." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. "You're very welcome gorgeous, its 6:45, Garry's picking us up any time now."

On que, Thomas's phone dinged, he said Garry was waiting outside. I quickly put my white high-top converse on and grabbed my white purse and ran out of my living room. The boys were dressed pretty smart for pizza express...

"Shall we get going then guys?" I suggested while grabbing my keys out of my box. Thomas had already opened the door for me, he and Dylan kept exchanging some very questionable smirks. I was confused, very confused... its only pizza express, right?

Either way, I hopped into the car which Garry kindly opened for us. "Thank you Garry." He nodded. "No worries Thomas, lets get going!"

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