Movie & Food with Thomas

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"What do you usually do after work then?" Thomas asked. His deep brown eyes were filled with curiosity and wonder. "I usually take a shower and then binge watch something on Netflix, sometimes I read... um, obviously I eat too." Thomas was staring at me, with the kindest eyes and sweetest smile. It made me giggle a little.

Thomas scooched in closer and wrapped his arm round me again. "So, why don't we watch something then? You can pick love." I nodded, "Um. Do you mind if I get changed first? I won't be too long. You pick, you're my guest."

"Of corse love, it is your apartment after all."

"Thank you." I ran into my room.

Omg, omg, omg. Thomas has kissed me twice!! What is going onnn?! Now we're gonna watch a movie together! Wowww, he's such a charmer. But when he finds out about m-my past... will he leave like everyone else does? No one wants a broken girl... *sigh*

"Rosie? Are you okay love?" I jumped, "Uh, yea. Just a sec."

Ugh, did I really just say that to Thomas Sangster? (🤦🏽‍♀️)

I grabbed a hoodie to cover the marks on my arms, I didn't want him to see that yet. I also grabbed a blanket too on my way out of my room. Thomas stretched his arm out over the back of my sofa and patted next to him for me to come over.

"So, what movie did you pick?" I asked as I scooched closer to him. "Do you like Drop Dead Fred?" I gasped, "Oh Thomas! That's one of my favourites!!"

"Mine too, what a coincidence." He chuckled.

He clicked play on the remote and we got all comfy and cosy under the blanket I'd brought in. The movie was about half way through before any of us spoke, "Um.. Thomas? Do you wanna eat? I forgot to ask before. I-I'm sorry" I felt Thomas peck me on the forehead again, "I could eat love. What were you thinking?" I pulled out my phone, "When its late I usually order from uber eats. That alright with you?" "

"Yup, I eat anything!" I ordered carbonara with garlic bread and dough balls and then handed it to Thomas. Surpisingly, he ordered carbonara too! As well as ordering us a bottle of coke. He went to the check out option "er.. Thomas, I was going to pay." "No no love, let me." He said while reaching in his pocket for his credit card. "T-thank you." "You're very welcome beautiful. I'll get it when it comes to the door too." You smiled at him as you both got comfy again.

About 30 minutes later, there was a nock at the door, "Delivery!" A deep male voice shouted. Thomas got up to answer the door, "Two carbonara's, garlic bread, dough balls and a bottle of coke?" He said handing it to Thomas, "Yep, thats us. Thank you sir, good night" He said as the guy walked away. "Do you need a plate love?" He asked me. "No thanks, the cutlery draw is next to the fridge though."

"Alright." Thomas came back with the food and laid it all out on my coffee table. "Thankyou for buying Thomas, you're so kind." He passed me my food and a fork as he spoke, "You let me into your apartment, it was the least I could do for you beautiful." He replied with a smile.

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