Chapter 27

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I felt Thomas pick me up by my waist. I wrapped my legs round his waist and ran my fingers throguh his hair while we gazed into eachothers eyes. Completely oblivious to the fact that his closest friends from set were around us, until Ki-Hong caughed to get Thomas's attention. "Sorry guys, you know how it is with love though." All of them laughed, even Kaya. I guess Kaya just doesn't want Thomas to get hurt, its sweet she cares so much about him. "Will, Kaya, this is Rosie." I buried my head into the crook of his neck, "She can be shy sometimes." Thomas giggled. I hugged him tighter when I heard him whisper, "Come on princess, they won't hurt you. Lets go sit down with them."

I was nervous, but they're Thomas's best friends. I want to get to know them its just, I am a fan of every single person in this room, its a weird situation to be in. "Tommy, I am still a fan of you all remember. Its a strange situation to be in for me..." I'm sure he forgets sometimes, his face just dropped like he'd seen a ghost. "I'm sorry love, I keep forgetting. I haven't told them yet..." I sighed, is he ashamed or something? "Why don't you go in the bedroom and I'll explain." Why do I need to leave the room? He's ashamed of me being a fangirl isn't he... but I didn't want to argue again, I'm tired of it already. So I walked into his room and collapsed on the bed.

My head raced with thoughts. I hate overthinking, it drives me crazy. I could smell Thomas's scent from when he was in here before, its calming me down. Maybe its calming me down a little too much, I'm really sleepy. I sighed as tears filled my eyes, I've shed enough tears today but I really don't think I have the energy to fight them back. So I let them pour out onto Thomas's pillow.

-Thomas's p.o.v-
"Okay. Here it is... Rosie's a fan. Not just a fan of me, of all of us. She loves the maze runner, she's scared. And honestly, I'm scared. I-I'm scared of what people will think if they find out Rosie's a fan. Fans will just assume that I'll date any old fan. But she's not just one of the fans to me, I met her at her work in the bar I always go to on my way home. She was so, normal. Not crazy fangirl at all. I love her guys, I just I'm scared..." I'm pretty sure I fumbled in most of my words, I'm so glad I've finally told them though.

Kaya didn't look inpressed at all. Dylan, well... Dylan looked confused as ever. Ki-Hong looked like he was still processing what I've just said and Will looked like he was trying to think of something to say.

"What are you thinking Thomas? Do you know how much hate you could get for this? She could tell the fans anything!" Kaya was practically screaming until Will calmed her down. "If you really love her man, I'm here for you... both of you. Kaya's right though, a lot of hate could be given to you and to Rosie. The press will be all over it like a wild fire if they find out. You guys need to think about this. Think about what's best for both of you..." My heart sank, I know exactly where he's coming from. I just, I love this girl so much its crazy. Life without her seems impossible now.

"Wait. What? She's a fan?! Of us all?! And you got first dibs, how is that fair?!" Looks like Dylan finally caught on.

"I didn't call "dibs" on her Dylan. I love her, and I'm pretty damn sure she loves me back."

"I do..." I heard a croaking voice from behind me. It was Rosie. I walked over to her and pulled her in for a tight hug since she was clearly crying. "They're right though. The... the hate we could get. I can't put you through that Tommy, you deserve a peacful relationship. A happy girl. Some... Someone better than me..." I can't believe she thinks I could ever do better  than her.

She was almost running out the door before I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back into the appartment. Tears flooded her face, there's no way she's going to work like this.

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