Chapter 23

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I carried Rosie to her bedroom and sat her down gently on her bed. "How about I give you one of my hoodies? I threw one in my bag before we came down." She nodded sheepishly, its as if she's gone weak from that blackout. I don't like it, something isn't right. "Do you want your joggers as well love?" She nodded again in reply.

I walked to her dresser and pulled out a pair of her joggers with 'Koze' written on them (anyone who watches kayln Nicholson on youtube will know🤫) and handed them too her, along with my hoodie. I faced away while she got changed because, you know, privacy and all that. I felt her tug at my wrist a few minutes later, I turned around and she'd got changed. God, she's beautiful in whatever she wears. How did I get so lucky?

"Tommy... I'm thirsty." She whined. I watched her lift her arms up as if she was asking to be picked up. She's adorable when she's like this, its like having to take care of a baby. I mean, she is my baby but yeah.

I gigled to myself as I picked her up and walked back through to the living room. "You're adorable princess, you know that right? What can I get you to drink?" I felt her pepper kisses on my neck, I don't think she realises what she's doing to me right now. "Rosie..." I groaned. All I heard was a little giggle. Maybe she does know what she's doing. "Coffee please handsome." Did she just call me handsome? Me? Just when I thought she couldn't get any cuter! "Coming right up babygirl." I gently put her back down on the sofa and kissed her on the lips before heading to the kitchen.

I heard the TV come on, I've no idea what she was watching though. I walked back through to find her watching the maze runner, oh gosh. Sometimes I forget she's still a fan, she's so... normal. Its nice though, I mean, dating other celebrities is fun but sometimes its nice to have something private with a girl you have no prior connection with in anyway. I get to see what a normal life is really like, all the struggles, hard work. Not to mention its press free for her. I just hope no one starts giving her hate... or me for that matter if anyone were to find out she's also a fan.

"Tommy? Tommy?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I realised I was just stood in the doorway of Rosie's kitchen. "Sorry love, just thinking about things. Here, just how you like it princess." I handed her her coffee and her face lit up. She has such a beautiful smile. "Thankyou handsome. W-What were you thinking about huh?" I could feel myself starting to blush... "Erm, nothing important. I mean, you're imortant I-I was thinking about you and how lucky I am." I know it was kind of a lie but I was thinking of her. "So erm... you're watching one of my movies ey?" She giggled and leaned into the side of me and got comfy. "Yeah, I love Newt. I'd watched your movies before but I really fell for you in TMR. I love how much passion you put into your characters." I giggled, I've had that from fans and people before, its quite a nice compliment really. I do try my hardest. I kissed her on the forehead and held her tight and watched myself in the movie. Its kinda weird watching yourself, but I don't mind.

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