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Makenna Bluitt

Today is homecoming weekend. Probably one of my most favorite weeks of school. Mostly because I love to dress up.

Today is Oldies Day. Of course, me and Olivia had to match.

I walk into school and see Olivia.

We both squeal at us matching.

"Yo, we look fly." Olivia says feeling herself.

"We need to take a picture!" I say.

We take a picture and walk to my favorite class of the day, science.

"Hey friends!" I say to the boys.

"Wassup." Tyler says.

"Who do you think you are?" Elijah asks.

I look at him confused.

"You got on this outfit and think you somebody." Elijah continues.

"Because I say hey?" I ask.

"Leave her alone. She look cute." Dejuane says.

"Thank you!" I say smiling at him.

Few minutes later, we get into a deep conversation. Until, I feel someone tap me.

I turn and see Jalen.

"Hey!" I say smiling at him.

"Wassup Jalen." I hear Tyler say.

Jalen just nods and walk off.

"Well just fuck me then." Tyler says shrugging off Jalen ignoring him.

I laugh.

"Is it just me or has he been acting weird lately?" I ask them.

"He's always been weird to me." Dejuane says.

I just roll my eyes at him.

"I don't know. I've never seen him like that before." Tyler says.

"Did something happen between y'all?" Elijah asked.

"I mean yeah. I went to his house we went swimming..." I get interrupted by Tyler.

"Oh no." He says.

"And we KISSED." I say rolling my eyes at Tyler.

"But he liked it and I liked it. We were good that whole day nothing was awkward." I say.

Elijah just shrugs.

"Jalen can be a good guy, but sometimes he can't... just watch out for him." Dejuane says.

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