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Makenna Bluitt
A/n: This chapter is super explicit and depressing. Just a warning btw.. 😔

Right now, I'm at Jalen's house. Just before we go to the party.

"We don't even have to go we can just stay home and cuddle." He says.

"As amazing as that sounds... no." I say as he groans.

"C'mon.. all of your friends are coming." i say.

"Yeah, and it's just that one guy that gives me weird vibes." He says.

"Cameron?" I ask.

"No Caleb." He says.

"Just give him a chance.. yeah he's a weirdo. But he may be cool." I say.

"You're lucky I like you." He says.

I smile and he kisses me.


I walk into the party with my arms linked with Jalen's. We walk around to find out friends.

We finally find them and I knew I was ready to party.

Jalen Green

I drunk my drink and watched Makenna as she danced on the dance floor with Olivia.

"Yah bro this party is giving me weird vibes." Josh says to me.

"I told you, but the girls are having a good time we just need to watch them." I say.

"Yeah, I feel you bro." He says as he watches them also.

"I think Makenna's a little tipsy btw." Josh adds.

"I know.. that's what I'm watching her. She needs to slow down on the drinks." I say.

"Wait, where did they go?" Josh asks.

I look and see they're at the drinks but with Cameron.

"Code red bro." I say.

We walk over to the girls.

"Y'all came just on time. You wanna try my drink?" Cameron asks.

"Hell yeah." Makenna says and take the drink.

"No. You done with drinks tonight." I tell her taking away the cup.

"Aww.. I just wanna have fun." She pouts.

"Yeah, don't be a party pooper." Cameron says mockingly.

"Haha.. pooper." Makenna says laughing drunkenly.

She trips and and I catch her.

"Look at her bro. She's not good she needs to chill." I say to Cameron hoping he would understand.

"She fine. Some advil and the pain will be away." He says rolling his eyes.

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