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Jalen Green

I wake up and see Makenna in my arms. I smile and kiss her on top of her head. I can't believe this woman was really about to leave me. I have thought to myself and realized that i'm nothing without her.

I look over and see Makenna stirring. She slowly opens her eyes and I just look at her.

"Were you watching me sleep?" She asks in morning voice.

"Yes. The best view I've had in a minute." I say.

She smiles. "I would kiss you, but we haven't brush our teeth." She groans.

"You tryna say my breath stink?" I ask.

She laughs, shakes her head, and sits up.

"Girl I love you. You think I care about you not brushing your teeth." I say.

She just look back at me with her wild hair in her face.

"Now come here and give me a kiss." I say pulling her arm.

"Yes daddy." She says laying back on me kissing me.

With her saying that I won't lie it turned me on. Our kissing started to get wild. I slowly pull away.

"You keep saying that and you'll end up pregnant." I say moving her hair out of her face.

She laughs and gets up.

"I know you liked it." She said looking back at me while walking.

"Were are you going?" I ask.

"To shower... duh." I hear her yell.

I put my arms behind my head and think about what our future could be. I would be in the NBA and she would be the cute sports mom supporting or children. I then think of what our kids would like like.

I think of a little girl looking exactly like Makenna or a little me. I smile thinking of what we could be. My thoughts were interrupted.

"Are you coming with?" She asks poking her head out of the door.

I smile and quickly head to the shower with her.


Makenna and I decided to do something fun. I had some four wheelers in my backyard we could ride on a trail so that's what we did. As we ride Makenna said she wanted to ride her own. So I let her.

I get on mine and look over to see this beautiful goddess.



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My thoughts get interrupted by Makenna.

"You ready, J?" She asks.

"Let's roll." I say.


And back to the bed we are again have I mentioned that we've been doing this for the past four days. Ever since Makenna has came back we've been inseparable.

I think back to the thoughts I had this morning. Will we even last that long? I wonder what she thinks of it?

"What are you thinking about?" She asks looking up at me.

I look down at her.

"Have you ever thought about having children?" I ask her looking at the ceiling rubbing her arm.


"Would you ever have one?" I ask.

"Yeah, but not right now. I have too much to learn and do." She says.

"Why?" She asks as I feel her looking at me.

"I've been thinking about our future. Us getting married and what our kids would look like." I say.

"Wow. I didn't know you've thought of that. I thought you were too busy with basketball to think about that stuff." She says.

"I was until I met you." I say.

The room went silent.

"What would you name your first kid?" She asks.

I shift in the bed and rub her arm.

"If it's an boy I would want him to be a Junior, but if you don't like that then maybe Kayden. If we had a girl I would say Averie." I say.

The room goes back to being quiet and I look over at Makenna to see her smiling.

"What?" I smile back.

"It's just cute to see you imagine our future. Most guys wouldn't even want to imagine that type of stuff." She says.

"Well I'm sure you're aware that I'm not like most guys." I smirk looking back at the ceiling.

I hear her laugh which is music to my ears.

"What makes you think you'd marry me and have kids with me?" She asks.

"I told you already that I would. I wouldn't lie to you. I keep my promises." I say.

I could feel her smile on my chest.

"And besides we're always and forever right?" I say looking at her.

She looks back up at me and nods.

"Always and forever." She smiles.

Focus ¥ Jalen GreenWhere stories live. Discover now