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Makenna Bluitt

Today is the day that our parents meet. We're going to Jalen's house because it is bigger. I really hope my parents are on the best behavior. I really dont know what to expect from them tonight.

We all walk to the door and I knock. The door opens to Bree, Jalen's mom, at the door.

"Hi beautiful!" She smiles hugging me.

She greets my parents and my brother also. My parents greet their parents greet mine.

While, they're doing that I was hugging Jurnee. I look up and see Jalen. I smile at him and he pulls me to his side as I keep my arms around his body.

"You must be the boy who has my daughter's heart." My dad says with his hand out.

"Yessir." Jalen says shaking his hand keeping me by his side.

"Jalen, we've heard many good things about you." My mom says hugging him.

Jalen smiles at her.

"Now Jalen. My daughter has spoken very highly of you. I just want to see if it's true now." My dad says sternly with putting his hands in his pocket.

"Dad." I protest.

"I promise you won't be disappointed." Jalen smirks.

I look behind my dad to see Jayden imitating my dad.

I just chuckle.

"Alright big guy." Jayden says moving dad out of the way dapping up Jalen.

"Alright let's go eat." Marcus, Jalen's dad says.


"So Jalen what do you plan on being?" My dad asks.

"To make it to the league. Basketball has always been my passion." Jalen says.

"You know I was kind of thinking like a lawyer or doctor." My dad says.

"Dad." I warn him.

"How do you know that this "league" thing is going to work?" My dad asks sternly.

"I have over 10 college scholarships and one of the top players in the world... I think I have this in the bag." Jalen says giving the same energy.

"Jalen." Mrs. Bree warns Jalen.

"Talk yo shit!" I hear Jayden mumble.

I give him a look that tells him "shut up."

"Well I think we should hand out dessert. Why don't we?" Mrs. Bree smiles getting up to get the dessert.

"My daughter comes to your house all the time. What do y'all do?" My mom asks.

"Fucking." I hear Jayden mumble.

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