Chapter 2: What

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"The other day, all of you Celestial Spirits did a great job." Yukino explained. "Yeah! I heard you guys were a huge help." Natsu added with a big grin on his face. "All of you together closed the eclipse portal." (Y/n) added.

"You're welcome. I'm sorry." Aries replied.

"And so, with deep gratitude, today on this Hill of Stars, I'm going to treat everyone!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Th-thank you.." Aries stuttered.

On with Chapter 2:


"Everyone wants something, right?" Lucy said. "Go ahead. Tell us your wish and we'll grant it." Yukino continued the sentence.

Aries then thinks hard, or hesitates to answer, you can't tell really. "I.. I want to get a suntan!" She exclaimed suddenly.

Everyone was suddenly silent because they didn't expect the answer. (Y/n) had her jaw drop as she blinked multiple times.

Aries then sensed the awkwardness and immediately apologized because she thought that they didn't like her answer. "I-I'm sorry!" she apologized before turning away.

"S-Suntan?" (Y/n) broke the silence.

"I'm always fluffy, so once in awhile, I'd like to have a tan." Aries explained.

"Oh! You wanna get browned, leave it to me! Roar of the..." Natsu suddenly exclaimed before starting to roar on poor Aries.

"W-Wait, Natsu! I think it would be better if I did it!" (Y/n) tried to stop Natsu from roasting the ram and fortunately stopped the fire dragon slayer. <does it makes? I mean, (Y/n)'s power IS light.... or am i just very wrong>

Natsu reluctantly stops but nods towards (Y/n).

(Y/n) then turns towards Aries and used her powers to give Aries a tan.


"This is it! Lovely! I'm sorry!" Aries cheered as she posed with her new look.

Lucy on the other hand, was still shock. "Th-this is what you wanted. You're kidding, right?" she asked. 

"That's a Celestial Spirit for you! ka ka ka!" Natsu laughed.

"Sigh, all's well that ends well, right?" (E/n) said. "Aye!" Happy exclaimed.

"I'm so happy! I'm sorry!" Aries exclaimed once again.

"A-all right, then. Well, see you again." Lucy said . 

"Thank you. I look forward to seeing you again." Aries said before going back to the Celestial Spirit World, not without apologizing about nothing once again.

Lucy sighs, "Ah, well... okay, next!". She was about to summon Taurus but suddenly stopped. (Y/n) noticed Lucy's actions and asked, "Hm? What's wrong?"

Lucy puts her hand that contained the key down, "Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this, but..."

"Huh? Who's next?" Natsu asked too.

Lucy then decided she was ready and lifted up the key, "Gate of the Bull, I open thee! Taurus!".

"MOO!" was heard from the shining light of the Celestial Spirit being summoned, "I hear we're all in for a treat? Seeing your nice body always mooooooves me, Lucy-san!" he said.

"Not that. I thought if you had some wish I could grant.." Lucy trailed off as she saw Taurus go rigid and has heart eyes. "Moo! I can't hold it in!" Taurus exclaimed.

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