Chapter 6: Fairy Tail

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Izumi: I am ready to delete this entire story but I dont want my efforts to go in vain



"Take care. I don't want Sting to kill me if anything happens to you." Rogue said to me.

"I will." I replied.

"If I remember correctly, you agreed that we would hang out in town soon. Wanna go when you come back?" Rufus asked.

"Oh, yea! Right! Thanks for reminding me. Rufus. We will finish this as fast as we can!" I said with slight excitement.

"Let's go, (Y/n)!" Yukino said.

"Bye guys! See you soon!" I said before running out with Yukino.

On with Chapter 6:


We were running towards the Fairy Tail guild through the rain and burst through the doors. "Lucy-sama!" Yukino shouted as she ran into the guild.

I walked through into the guild and only see Mira, Kinana, Erza, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, and Carla present in the guild.

"Oh? It's Yukino and (Y/n)!" Gray pointed out. "They're drenched!" Kinana pointed out. 

"Is Lucy here?" I asked as I continued looking around the almost empty guild.

"What's going on? What are you in such a hurry about?" Erza asked us. "Hold on. I'll get you guys a towel." Mira said before she went to the back of the guild.

"I have to tell Lucy-sama something as soon as possible!" Yukino exclaimed with worry.

==S H O R T  T I M E  S K I P==

After getting dried, Yukino calmed down a bit and took out her keys before placing them onto a table. Everyone present surrounded the table. (E/n) was standing beside Carla on the table.

"Are those the keys of the Scales and the Fish?" Erza asked.

"Yes. The keys that summon Libra and Pisces. But suddenly, there's no response when I try to call on them." Yukino explained.

"Libra and Pisces..." "and both of them are..."

"Yeah. Celestial Spirits of the 12 Golden Gates." (Y/n) completed Kinana's and Juvia's sentence. "There are many celestial spirits, but those 12 have special powers." Yukino added.

"That's odd. Celestial Spirits that that have a contract with celestial spirit wizards are supposed to be bound to follow the wizard's orders." Juvia pointed out.

"You don't know the cause?" Erza asked as she looked towards us.

"We looked into various possibilities, but all we came up with was that it's possible Lucy can't use her gold keys either." I stated.

"My bad feeling about this is getting stronger by the minute." Carla said. "Then we really should go to them." Wendy said.

"Natsu is there, so they'll get by somehow.. is what I wish I felt." Gray said worriedly. "And Warren is out on a job, so he can't patch us through to them telepathically." Mira pointed out.

Yukino then became even more worried. I place my hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. 

"The information is still fragmentary, so I don't have a proper grip on the situation myself." Yukino said after calming down.

Not long after, Lucy and Natsu entered the guild after finishing their mission, and Master Makorov was there too. We explained the situation to them and we gathered around the counter.

"Hmm, but the 12 Golden Gates won't respond when they're summoned?" Master Makorov asked as he was sitting on his usual spot on the counter of the bar.

"That's right." Lucy confirmed.

"Celestial Spirits and Celestial Wizards have contracts with each other, so this is unthinkable, unless something very unusual happened." I stated.

"This is the first time I haven't been able to make contact with the Celestial Spirits." Yukino pointed out. "In other words, "something very unusual" has happened?" Gray said.

"GImme a break. That bastard Loke.. I swear, I'll kick his ass!" Natsu exclaimed.

"First of all, tell me what happened in detail." Makarov asked towards Lucy, who looked down with sadness. She then explained what had happened during their mission, which happened to be fake.

She also told us about what Loke had told her during their "mission", something about "perfect freedom".

" "Perfect freedom?" Is that what Loke said?" I asked.

"He's the leader of the 12 Golden Gates, right? So maybe he's behind all of this." Happy suggested. "Then if I pound on him, this could all go away!" Natsu shouted with determination.

"Chill out." Gray tried to calm Natsu down.

"Like I can chill out! Those guys are Lucy's-" "Hey!" Natsu got cut off from his rant by Gray when he pointed out how upset Lucy was.

"The 12 Golden Gates.. are rebelling." Makarov stated.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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