Chapter 7: Explanation

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"Chill out." Gray tried to calm Natsu down.

"Like I can chill out! Those guys are Lucy's-" "Hey!" Natsu got cut off from his rant by Gray when he pointed out how upset Lucy was.

"The 12 Golden Gates.. are rebelling." Makarov stated.

On with Chapter 7:


"What could be the cause?" Yukino asked no one in particular. "I can't believe they're rebelling!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Of course, neither can I! But..." Yukino trailed off. 

"That's right!" Lucy suddenly exclaimed as she remembered something, "I'll ask Old Master Crux one more time!" she said before taking out a silver key.

"But Virgo forced the gate shut..." Happy muttered in the back.

Lucy stands up from her seat and said, "I'm sure he'll come! Gate of the Southern Cross, I open thee! Crux!"

Instead of Crux, Horologium came instead.

"Eh? Why Horologium? Where's Old Master Crux?" Lucy asked.

" "It is very dangerous to come here, so I had him bring me, indeed"... he said." Horologium repeated what Crux said, who was inside of him, sleeping?

"He's been through a lot, and now he's sleeping." Happy pointed out.

We waited for Crux to wake up and when we did, 3 more Fairy Tail members came to the guild.

"We're back!" Levy shouted. "I'm starving!" Droy exclaimed. "Mira-chan, make me the special dish that gives you stamina... uh.." Jet requested but trailed off when he noticed everyone was surrounding Crux, who was now awake. 

"Is something wrong?" Levy asked as she too noticed the crowd.

Specifically, Crux was sitting on the bar counter and Lucy and Yukino were right in front of him, The rest of us were standing behind them.

Erza and I looked at the group of 3 who just came and silenced them with a "shh" while we positioned our index finger on our lips. They then joined the crowd in the back.

"I want you to tell me what's happening in the Celestial Spirit World." Lucy asked Crux.

"It's absolute mayhem!" Crux exclaimed, "and it all began so suddenly... the contracts between the 12 Golden Gates and the Celestial Spirit Worlds have spontaneously become nullified out of the blue.." he explained.

"Perhaps due to that influence, they are wrecking havoc, and we can only hide..." Crux added.

"What happened to your mustache?" Natsu asked. I sweatdropped because why was that the first question he wanted to ask?

"Can't the Celestial Spirit King do something?" Gray suggested. "but we don't know where he is. He's disappeared without a trace." Crux explained.

"The Celestial Spirit King is missing? I don't believe this!" Lucy exclaimed in frustration.

"In any event, Leo-sama the Lion is the leader of the 12 Golden Gates." Horologium explained. "It seems like they forgot about us." Happy pointed out.

"Loke was going on about "perfect freedom" or somethin'.." Natsu said.

"Liberum.." Crux muttered.

"Liberum?" Lucy asked. Yukino suddenly pulled out a book from underneath her cloak, "Does it have something to do with this ancient tome?" she asked. 

"Let me see that." Levy said before taking the book, "Hm.. a grimoire written in ancient Meridius. No, it's a study.. It looks like most of the entries talk about "Liberum". " Levy explained.

"That's our scholar!" Master shouted proudly.

"Were you investigating it on your own, Yukino-chan?" Jet asked Yukino. "No, I had (Y/n) help me out with this. We made it as far as that text, but we didn't know where to go next, so I thought I might be able to get answers by coming here." Yukino explained.

"So an old text like that is even in the human world? Liberum is the name of a certain ritual that Celestial Spirits perform." Crux explained.

"A ritual.." I muttered.

"If Liberum is performed, they can acquire the "perfect freedom" that Leo-sama spoke of." Crux added.

"But listen to this." Levy got our attention as she was reading the book, " "When Liberum is performed, a celestial globe is required to liberate the Celestial Spirits from their chains." "she quoted from the book.

Lucy then clasped her keys, " 'Chains'.. we never thought of it like that.."

"This ain't no time to be bummed out, Lucy." Natsu said. "That's right! You've got a frown line between your brows." Happy said.

"Yeah.." Lucy muttered.

Natsu then clasped his fist, "I'll definitely mess Loke up." he said as he tried to comfort Lucy in his own way. "Thanks, Natsu." Lucy thanked the fire dragon slayer.


Izumi: oof a filler

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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