Special Chapter: The Date with Orga

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Izumi: I lowkey like Orga and i do not know why



In the Afternoon at the Eucliffe residence

"Bye, nii-san! I'm going out!" I exclaimed to my brother as I neared the exit of our house.

"(Y/n)?! Where are you going? Is (E/n) going with you?" nii-san asked questions hastily. He became more protective after kinda knowing about what had happened during the GMGs.

"I'm going out with Orga! He's bringing me somewhere! And no, (E/n) is not going with me, she's with Frosch and Rogue! Love you see you bye!" I quickly responded before leaving the house.

I brisk walked towards our meeting point since I noticed I only had a bit of time left before the meeting time. "(Y/n)!" I heard nii-san shout in the distance as I was getting further and further.

<think of your own outfit>

"Orga!" I shouted when I saw the Lightning God Slayer already at the meeting place, a park that was nearby. "Princess! You're lookin' cute today!" he complimented me as I was running excitedly towards him. 

"Are you saying I look ugly every other day?" I asked . "Ye-" before he managed to complete his response, I slapped him, playfully of course. "Haha I'm just kidding! You're cute everyday- stop hitting me!" he said as I continued to hit him playfully. He could have easily stopped me, I'm very sure.

"Ruuuuuude! You're rude Orga, how can you do this to me!" I said while fake crying. "I will never forgive you!" I dramatically placed the back of my hand on my forehead while facing away from him.

"Hmmm? "never forgive" me? I guess we're not going to the new restaurant that just opened then~. I even planned to pay for you~" he sang as he turned away from me.

I turned around and walked in front of him before giving him my puppy eyes. "I-I forgive you, Orga-kun." I think I see a small blush on his face after that.

"Anyways let's go~!" I exclaim before dragging him towards the said restaurant.

==S H O R T  T I M E  S K I P==

At the newly opened restaurant

"A-Actually, Orga, are you sure you can pay for this? I mean, I know I didn't order as much as you, but.." I asked after seeing the amount of food that was laid out in front of us, and mine is only about 30%.

"Yep! My most recent job paid a lot. Also if you see somethin' you like, feel free to take some!" he said before digging in.

I smiled and thanked for the food before stuffing my own face with it.

We talked about our recent jobs and some about our lives too. To be honest, I never thought I would have this much fun with just Orga.

After eating, we walked around town and did some window shopping, although I myself did some shopping too. I bought some clothes that would suit me. I think Orga bought more food for himself at some point..

Alas, the date came to an end and now I'm in front of at my and nii-san's home. I turned towards Orga, "Thanks for today, Orga! I had fun!" I said.

"Mmm! I'm glad. Since you enjoyed today, what do ya say about a second date?" he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Hmm maybe~?" I answered back and giggled. "Well, thanks for today and have a good night Orga!" I said before heading towards my home.

"Wait, Princess! You forgot something!" he called out as he walked towards me. I turned around, "What did I forge-" I was cut off when Orga kissed my forehead.

My face immediate became hot and red, "O-O-Orga what are you doing??" I stuttered.

Suddenly one of my home windows opened, "I SAW THAT ORGA! YOU'RE IN TROUBLE MISTER." I heard nii-san shout. "See you tomorrow at the guild, (Y/n)!" Orga said before running off home.


Izumi: next chapter in a few hours because i want to sleep good night

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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