Chapter 5: Start of an Adventure

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"Little girl! I already told you I was in a bad mood!" Aquarius said before she lifted her vase(?) and launched a lot of water out of it, aiming at everyone.

(Y/n) and (E/n) ended up flying through the sky along with Natsu, Happy, and Yukino.

On with Chapter 5:


'Recently, abnormal weather and changes in natural phenomena have had major repercussions in people's lives. For an area popular for its bright sun and beautiful beach, dark clouds have taken up permanent residence. Even wild animals are making major migrations. Ah~~, what's happening with this world?' I thought as I was hanging out in the almost empty Sabertooth guild with (e/n) and some other guild mates.

Most of the guild mates went on jobs that immediately came to our quest board when the abnormal weather started. I already went on multiple jobs with Sting and Rogue and all I want to do right now is just rest. 

I was relaxing on one of the couches available with (e/n) and was about to drift to sleep when suddenly the entrance of the guild was slammed open.

"Y/n! Come with me! We need to warn Lucy!" Yukino exclaimed as she ran towards me with Orga and Rufus were walking behind her. I sat up on the couch and asked, "What happened? Warn her about what?"

Yukino then explained that when she was on a job with Orga and Rufus, she couldn't summon her celestial spirits, but luckily the other two managed to finish the job.

"Really?" I asked with disbelief.

"Yeah! I'll show you." Yukino said before she tried to summon Libra, but nothing happened. 

I was shocked about what had happened, or more of what did not happen, and agreed to follow Yukino to warn Lucy before something bad happens to her.

I quickly gathered my things and was about to head to the entrance when I realized that I should probably tell Sting my whereabouts. "Wait!" Yukino stopped in her tracks and looked at me. "I should tell nii-san that I'll be going out with you." I said and Yukino understood.

After the Grand Magic Games, Sting became more protective over me and every time I go somewhere without him, I have to inform him or all hells break loose.

One time I went to a job with Orga for less than 1 day without telling Sting and when we got back, Sting was interrogating everyone with his fists. Lesson learnt.

Knock Knock

"Come in." I heard from the inside of his office.

I opened the door slightly and poked my head in. "Hey nii-san." I said and he looked up from his paper work. "Oh, hey there (Y/n). Whatcha' need?" he asked as I walked into the room.

"I'm going with Yukino to Fairy Tail. Something happened with the Celestial Spirits and Yukino wants to warn Lucy about it." I explained.

Sting stared at me for awhile and I stared back, awaiting an answer. "You won't accept 'no' as an answer, won't you?" he said. I nodded my head. He sighs. "Just be careful, alright?" he said. I smiled widely and went behind his desk to hug him.

"Thank you, nii-san! See you!" I said as I ran out the door.

I saw Yukino was talking with Rogue, Orga, and Rufus and they noticed me and I walked towards them.

"Are you ready?" Yukino asked. I nodded. 

"Take care you two. Don't get into trouble, (Y/n)." Orga said as he patted my head with his big hand, which I had swatted away.

"I'm not a child!" I shouted as I pouted. 

"You look like one." he retorted as I kicked him playfully.

"Take care. I don't want Sting to kill me if anything happens to you." Rogue said to me.

"I will." I replied.

"If I remember correctly, you agreed that we would hang out in town soon. Wanna go when you come back?" Rufus asked.

"Oh, yea! Right! Thanks for reminding me. Rufus. We will finish this as fast as we can!" I said with slight excitement.

"Let's go, (Y/n)!" Yukino said.

"Bye guys! See you soon!" I said before running out with Yukino.


Izumi: i love my boys

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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