Chapter 18: Almost there!

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"The idea being if you can't hurt it from the outside, try from the inside? What a crazy man.." I commented. 'Fairy Tail is an interesting place indeed.'

"Leave the outside to us!" Gajeel shouted, "Trash it from the inside, Salamder!"

"Let's do what we can out here!" Lucy said before all of us went back to attacking the beast again.

On with Chapter 18:


After fighting for awhile, the beast started to grow lumps on its body. 'Ew, disgusting' I cringed.

"What the hell?" Gray said as the lumps then became spikes. "It's starting to change form." Gajeel stated.

The beast currently has two tail-like appendages were on its back and was on all fours. 

It opened its mouth and let out a roar

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It opened its mouth and let out a roar.

"Maybe it's powered up?" I guessed. "Be careful, everyone. It's gonna throw something at us." Erza warned as all of our guards went up.

The spikes then had lightning surrounding it and starts to glow. After charging up enough, lasers were shot out of its mouth and aimed not at us, but at the planets around us. The planets that were hit then exploded.

"What is it doing?! At this rate, the Celestial Spirit World.." Lucy exclaimed with shock and worry in her voice.

"Yeah. It doesn't look like we have time to wait for Natsu and Happy to come back." Erza said, "Anyways, let's beat that thing.. and gable that they'll be back by then!"

"I don't mind gambles like that." Gajeel smirked as he said that. "Sounds risky.. but I'll do it." At this point, I'm just determined to bring back my friends, but also I'm worried at the possibility of Natsu and Happy not being able to come back on time.

"If our positions were reversed, he would do the same thing." Gray said referring to Natsu.

"Let's go!" Erza shouted before everyone, once again, attacked the beast with all their might.

We managed to make some small progress with our attacks as it seemed like the beast was slowly breaking apart.

"White Dragon's Roar!"

"White Dragon's Claw!"

"White Dragon's Iron Fist"

I used most of the attacks I know. At this point, I don't think I have enough magic and energy for Dragon Force.

As I was focused on attacking my side of the beast, it raised its "tails" and its entire body glowed before letting out a wave attack.

More planets exploded and we got pushed back by the attack.

"Ack!" I quickly pulled (E/n) from my back and hugged them close to my chest so I will take all the damage instead. The attack was so strong that I landed on a planet before getting pushed back even more.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?" (E/n) was very worried as they got out of my arms. "Y-Yeah.." I groaned as I tried to move.

"Dammit! It's attacking so we can't get in close." Gray said as he too was in the same position and state as me. "Yeah. If we can somehow take out those enery-generating stalks.." Erza too.

Suddenly, we see the beast start to writhe in pain.

"It's in pain.. or more like it doesn't like something?" Lucy pointed out the beast's actions.

"Gotta be Natsu." Gray said. "Raisin' hell from the inside." Gajeel commented. The beast then roared in pain.

Not long after, all of us managed to get up and attacked the beast once again.

"Hey, did you see that? I cracked it!" I heard Gajeel exclaim as I look at the area he was attacking. He was right, there was a crack on one of the stalks.

"Focusing our attacks on one spot seems to be working little by little!" Gray said.

I then channeled as much magic as I can (without being extremely exhausted) onto one attack and managed to destroy a stalk. "I managed to destroy one!" I said excitedly. 

"Nice job, (Y/n)!" I heard Erza compliment me. 'Why didn't we try this sooner??' I thought before attacking the other stalks with the help of others.

The beast suddenly charges up again.

"Everyone, dodge!" Erza shouted. "How the hell do we dodge this?!" Gajeel retorted. Gray managed to make an ice shield/wall for him and Lucy, but Erza, Gajeel, (E/n) and I got hit by the attack.

"Hm? It's not as strong as before!" I noticed. "Then our attacks are working! So let's keep at it!" Erza said.


Izumi: 3rd last chapter

havent been monitoring this story really cause this story is so half-assed lol

but i appreciate the people who are still reading this story. thanks.

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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