Chapter 13: Is it Over?

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"We can hit it, but what's the plan with something this huge?" Cana asked. "There have been many unusual tremors. I'm pretty sure that's actually the snake molting." Erza suggested, "I'm sure it's changing it's structure to adapt to circumstances. So, we should force it to molt from here!"

I then smirked when I understood what she meant, "In other words, we destroy every little bit of it, right?" I said. "Geehee. Anyways, we can just let loose on it, right?" Gajeel said. Lily added, "A pattern that's an oldie but a goldie."

"We're gonna teach the Snake Bearer that she doesn't have exclusive rights to a "Trinity". So let's go!" Erza exclaimed before everyone let out a battle cry.

On with Chapter 13:


We all split up to go to our on corners, I went with (E/n) to a random side of the cave. "I didn't think I worked hard to become an S-Class mage for this." I said to myself before unleashing a barrage of attacks to the cave wall in front of me.

"White Dragon's Roar!" 

"White Dragon's Claw!" 

"White Dragon's Iron Fist!"

"White Dragon's Wing Attack!"  

I let out another White Dragon's Roar and apparently I used so much magic that I broke the through the cave wall. "Ah, was that too much?" I asked (E/n) as I sweatdropped.

"No no, that was just right." (E/n) reassured me. "Well then, let's go out!" I said before (E/n) carried me and flew me outside the cave.

I saw Natsu and the others still fighting. I wanted to help, but I knew my job wasn't done yet, so I continued attacking the "cave" we were in, a.k.a Astral Spirytus.

Soon, the others managed to find their way out and attacked Astral Spirytus too.

I glanced at Natsu and the others to see their progress. Fortunately, they had defeated Ophiuchus and the Celestial Spirit Globe cracked before exploding in the air.

"Is it over?" I muttered as I wiped the sweat off my face.

Ophiuchus was disappearing, and so were the 12 constellations in the sky.

"(E/n)! Bring me down to them!" I ordered. "Aye!" they responded before we made our way towards the others.

"Hey! What the hell's goin' on here?!" Gray exclaimed. "Oh! You're here, Gray!" Natsu said. "Oh! You too, (Y/n)!" he added when I landed right beside them.

"Don't talk like an idiot as soon as you see me!" Gray shouted at the Fire Dragon Slayer.

Soon, everyone gathered at the clearing with us.

"Everyone!" Lucy exclaimed. "Lu-chan!" Levy replied as she raised her hand.

"So what happened to the giant snake?" Gajeel asked. I sweatdropped when I noticed the condition of the 3 Celestial Wizard's clothes "and what happened to your clothes?" I asked.

"She wasn't so tough!" Natsu shouted, referring to the fight against Ophiuchus. "I helped beat her!" Happy added.

"Our clothes got destroyed while we were doing a spell to destroy the Celestial Spirit Globe." Lucy answered me.

"What happened to the 12 Zodiac Celestial Spirits?" it was Lily's turn to ask them. "If we don't see 'em here, then..." Gajeel started. "Right. We succeeded in shutting the gate on all of them." Yukino finished his sentence.

"But they still haven't gone back to their original forms." Lucy pointed out. "Don't give up. This ain't over yet." Natsu reassured the blonde Celestial Wizard.

"That's right! Things will work out." I said before placing a hand on Yukino's shoulder to comfort her.

"I think we should organize all the information we have." Carla stated. "Let's all think of a way together!" Wendy suggested. 

"First, we've got to escape from here." Erza said. While I was looking at Erza, I noticed an aura coming out form the ground near her. Before I could warn her about it, the aura starts to spread and the ground becomes bumpy.

A loud sound then came from the sky, causing me to cover my ears due to how sensitive they are.

"Noisy!" I barely heard Elfman complain. "What is that sound?" Mira asked. "It sounds like a roar!" Levy said. 

The roar then stopped and I uncovered my ears. "Hey! We're not on stable ground!" Gajeel shouted when the ground started to separate everyone from each other. "It's coming apart!" Lily added.

"Maybe we did too much damage to it earlier.." Juvia guessed. "Who wrecked the joint like this?!" Natsu exclaimed. "Probably the one who was no concept of holding anything back!" Gray retorted.

Suddenly, Erza came out of nowhere behind the 2 wizard, "Are you talking about me?" she asked in a threatening tone. In reponse, Natsu and Gray let out a little whine.


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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