Chapter 3: Food!

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(Y/n) had no idea what she just witnessed, and does not wish to know what did happen. "I think... I need a break from this." She said as she held her head in her hands, "What food do you guys want? I'm going to go down and buy it." She said as she turned towards her friends.

On with Chapter 3:


(Y/n) and (E/n) were walking through a town nearby to buy food for themselves and their friends. They were walking around, trying to find the shops that were selling the specific foods but on their way, managed to find some friends instead.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Frosch said as they ran towards you and jumped into your arms. "Hi there, Frosch!" you said as you hugged Frosch.

"Hey there, Princess. We're back." Orga said as he, Rufus and Rogue walked towards you. "How was the mission?" you asked. "It was fine, my lady. I missed seeing you." Rufus said as he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles. "But Rufus, we saw each other only 2 days ago." you laughed.

Ever since the Grand Magic Games, Orga and Rufus has given you the nickname 'Princess' and 'My lady" respectively.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Yukino, (Y/n)?" Rogue asked as Frosch went back into his arms.

"Yea, I was. But something happened so now I'm taking a walk and buying food for everyone." (Y/n) responded. "Can we tag along? We were finding a place to eat." Orga asked you. "Sure!" you answered.

After walking around for a few minutes, we found a nice food place that wasn't too expensive and had the foods the guys wanted.

We found a place to sit at and a waiter came to take our orders. I specifically ordered mine to as a 'take out' while the rest of them were eating in. While waiting for the food, they told me about their mission and shared some jokes in between. 

Rufus', Rogue's, Frosch's, and Orga's food came first, which is reasonable since I ordered a bunch of food as 'take out'. The guys were kind enough to give me some bites of their meal while I was waiting for my order.

"Say, princess," Orga started as I looked up at him. "what do ya say, we go on a date someday?" he said with a smirk. A blush crept up my face, "D-Date?!" I exclaimed in embarrassment. I held my cheeks as I felt them heat up.

"I-I'll think about it!" I replied a little too loudly and hid my face into (e/n)'s head, who was sitting in my arms. "I'll be waiting, princess." I heard him say and if possible, my face heated up even more.

Thankfully, my order arrived not long after and I went to pay for it at the counter. I bid my friends goodbye before leaving the restaurant with (e/n) and the food.


Izumi: halfway through writing I got confused on how to write.

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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