Chapter 4: Aquarius

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"Say, princess," Orga started as I looked up at him. "what do ya say, we go on a date someday?" he said with a smirk. A blush crept up my face, "D-Date?!" I exclaimed in embarrassment. I held my cheeks as I felt them heat up.

"I-I'll think about it!" I replied a little too loudly and hid my face into (e/n)'s head, who was sitting in my arms. "I'll be waiting, princess." I heard him say and if possible, my face heated up even more.

Thankfully, my order arrived not long after and I went to pay for it at the counter. I bid my friends goodbye before leaving the restaurant with (e/n) and the food.

On with Chapter 4:


As (Y/n) and (E/n) were going back up the hill, they saw something flying from the place everyone was at. They also heard the thing flying shout something. "That sounds like Natsu." (Y/n) said and (E/n) nodded in agreement.

They didn't think much about it and continued walking up the hill. They then heard someone running behind them. They turned stopped and turned around, only to see Natsu angrily going up the hill.

(Y/n) was about to call out to him but he just ran past her. 

Ignoring what had happened, the two continued they way up once again and saw Natsu get launched off the hill, again. "Again?!" Natsu exclaimed as his figure got further.

(Y/n) and (E/n) finally got to the top of the hill and was greeted by Lucy shouting, "Enough! I've spend enough time trying to make you happy!"

"Um.." (Y/n) said and that caused everyone present to turn towards her. "what did i miss..?"

A male with orange hair that was styled to seem like he had cat(lion) ears approached the (h/c)-ette. "I've seen you during the Grand Magic Games, and I've been thinking about you for quite some time." he said as he handed (Y/n) a (f/c) rose.

"You eyes are beautiful and your hairstyle compliments you so well." he added as his face got closer.

"Th-Thanks?" (Y/n) thanked the Celestial Spirit as her face got red.

"Would you like to go on a date sometimes?" Leo asked before he was forced to go back to his world. "Unbelievable.." Lucy muttered with a deadpan.

Natsu then comes from wherever he came from. "Where did Loke go?!" he shouted. "He was causing trouble, so she sent him home." Happy answered his partner.

"Dammit! I'll get my revenge on him next time!" Natsu whispered under his breath but was loud enough for everyone to hear.

(Y/n) rummages through the bags that she has and took out the food Natsu wanted. "Here, Natsu, your food." she said as she held out the packaging(s). 

"Uwah! Thanks (Y/n)!" Natsu exclaimed as she showed her a big smile on his face. (Y/n) smiles back.

(Y/n) rummaged through the bags again and took out some fish. "I bought you some fish, Happy." (Y/n) was about give Happy the fishes but the cat panicked once he saw it, causing (Y/n) to retract her hand.

"E-eh? W-Whats wrong??" she asked. Yukino then comes over and explained to her best friend. "I summoned Pisces just now while you were gone and one of them had eaten Happy as his wish."

"I see.."

(Y/n) continues to hand out the food to the others and not long after, Happy took the fish(es) and ate it.

Everyone sat in a circle and ate their food while having a small chat. (Y/n) got filled in on what happened when she was gone and got to know the Fairy Tail wizards even more, and vice versa.

Once everyone has finished their food, Lucy stood up and walked towards a stream leading to a waterfall before taking out a key, the last key for today. "I made up my mind to show them my appreciation, so I have to stick it out. Next..." she said to herself before raising her hand with the key, "Gate of the!..." she suddenly stopped.

"Is something wrong?" (Y/n) asked from beside the blonde.

"Will I be able to handle it in my exhausted condition?" Lucy continued talking to herself. "Gotta do it! Gate of the Water Bearer, I open thee! Aquarius!"

A lot of water was suddenly shot up from the bottom of the waterfall and it got everyone there wet. (Y/n) managed to protect the snacks that she bought for herself.

"Why did you summon me from up here?" Aquarius asked Lucy with her usual scowl, "You wanted me to climb all the way to the summit? Huh?"

"S-Sorry! I didn't do it on purpose.." Lucy stepped back, "Um, so anyway..." she tried to change the subject but was cut off.

"Listen to me well, little girl! I'm in no mood for a treat from you!" Aquarius shouted.

"Is there trouble again between you and Scorpio?" Lucy asked.

Meanwhile with (Y/n), she immediately went to the back of the group once she heard Lucy mention some drama and dragged Natsu to the back.

"Hey, Natsu." the fire dragon slayer looked at the girl, "Can you help me dry my clothes with your fire?" she innocently asked as if it was a normal thing to do. It probably was. 

"Sure!" Natsu agreed and lit himself on fire and (Y/n) stood closer. 'Man, it feels nice to around her..' Natsu thought.

Meanwhile with Lucy, she was 'discussing' with Aquarius on what she could do.

"Make me laugh!" Aquarius demanded. "Eh?! Th-that's impossible..." Lucy retorted.

"Do a skit for me or something!" Aquarius ordered. "A skit?"  "A skit!"

"I'll do it!" Lucy agreed before turning towards Yukino, "Yukino, help me..."


After setting up everything, (Y/n), Natsu, Happy, (E/n) and Aquarius were at the side while Lucy and Yukino acted out a parody of the Sleeping Beauty.

Lucy, the prince, tried to wake Yukino, the princess, up, by almost hitting her head with a big mallet, then tickled her nose with a feather, and ended up deciding to just sleep beside her.

Natsu was enjoying the skit as he was laughing, but Aquarius got more annoyed. 

"Was that the punch line? Lame.." (Y/n) commented.

Soon, Aquarius snapped and went towards Lucy.

"That wasn't funny at all! You're not the least bit entertaining!" she scolded. "W-Wait a second! I didn't mean to enrage you..." Lucy tried to calm down Aquarius. However, it was too late.

"Little girl! I already told you I was in a bad mood!" Aquarius said before she lifted her vase(?) and launched a lot of water out of it, aiming at everyone.

(Y/n) and (E/n) ended up flying through the sky along with Natsu, Happy, and Yukino.


Izumi: i couldnt think of an ending.

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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