Chapter 8: Pre-Battle

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Lucy then clasped her keys, " 'Chains'.. we never thought of it like that.."

"This ain't no time to be bummed out, Lucy." Natsu said. "That's right! You've got a frown line between your brows." Happy said.

"Yeah.." Lucy muttered.

Natsu then clasped his fist, "I'll definitely mess Loke up." he said as he tried to comfort Lucy in his own way. "Thanks, Natsu." Lucy thanked the fire dragon slayer.

On with Chapter 8:


"The ritual needs a "Celestial Globe", and where is that?" Makarov asked. "I don't know. I couldn't even tell you if they already have it or not." Crux answered Makarov.

"My guess is they don't have it yet." Erza said. "If they did have it, they wouldn't go to the trouble of appearing before Lucy." I pointed out.

"You mean they would've already started the ritual, huh?" Jet said. "Then Loke just showed up to declare their independence?" Gray said.

"Levy, are there any other clues related to Liberum?" Erza asked the bluenette. "Calculating formulas and lore are recorded here, but a lot of it's vague, and the words are too old for me to glean anything else." Levy explained.

"We won't get anywhere without digging deeper." I stated but suddenly remembered, "Wait a second. Come to think of it... what about the magic library?"

Levy then understood where I was going at, "That's right! The magic library may have more detailed archives!" she exclaimed.

"The influence of the anomalous weather may be extending to the celestial spirit world. But we won't be able to move forward on conjectures alone." Makarov stated.

Erza then moved to the front of the crowd, "Master." she said.

"We'll go on from here," Makarov said, "getting ahead of the 12 Golden Gates by getting our hands on more detailed information. It all begins from there." 

"Erza, you're in charge!" he ordered.

"Right!" Erza responded, "Cana, you're with me. Wendy, you're with Carla. (Y/n), and (E/n) please go with Wendy to protect her." I nodded at the order. "Gray, you're with Juvia. Gajeel, you're with Lily. And Mira, please go with Elfman, we'll gather information from anywhere likely to have a clue about this." 

"Upon Warren's return, we'll set up lateral communication between teams. I want Lucy, Natsu, Yukino, Levy, and Happy to head for the magic library."

Lucy, Happy, Levy, and Yukino then replied to the order. I was waiting for Natsu to respond too but there was nothing from him. I looked around and noticed he wasn't in the guild, "Huh? Natsu isn't here." I said.

"Old Master Crux and Horologium are gone too." (E/n) pointed out.

Lucy deadpanned, "D-Don't tell me..."

"That idiot!" Makarov exclaimed.

==T I M E S K I P==

Our group set out to find some information. We searched high and low, and even got ambushed by some Vulcans, but we managed to get away safely.

We went back to the guild empty handed, but it was the same for the others. After waiting for awhile, we were told by Warren that Lucy's group are not going to meet us in the guild, but somewhere else instead. They had went ahead there instead of coming back to he guild.

They found a place that would help us in the situation, so Warren, who came to the guild awhile ago, helped us get Lucy's location and led us there.

We spent some time walking up a mountain, we entered the weird realm and saw that Natsu was getting swung around by Virgo's whip? Virgo looked different from the last time I saw her...

My first instinct was to shoot a small light arrow that was able to cut the whip and allow Natsu to be free, as he was thrown onto the ground.

Lucy was the first to notice our presence, "Guys!" she exclaimed. "How did you catch up to us?" Levy asked but got ignored as Juvia immediately asked them if they were okay.

"Yes!" Yukino answered Juvia.

I looked around and saw that there were doors with the zodiac symbol on top of them. The Celestial Spirits were here too, but they all had different forms.

"Mooore of them? This is increasingly unpleasant." Taurus said. "No fair-zura!" I'm guessing ,based on the fish attributes, one of Pisces added. "It pisses me off." Virgo added.

"It's thanks to Warren." Cana said. "Warren?" Lucy asked.

"His telepathy, right?" Happy guessed. "Yeah. He used his power to track you down, and we climbed the mountain to get here." I explained.

"I'm grateful for it!" Natsu commented. "He's become like our based station." Wendy stated. "Telepathy isn't flashy, but it sure comes in handy!" Cana exclaimed.

Erza went in front of Lucy and held her sword in front of her, "This is Astral Spirytus. They haven't accomplished Liberum yet though, right?" Erza asked. "Right!" Lucy responded.

"Geehee. I've always wanted to try having a slugfest with Celestial Spirits." Gajeel stated. "Trading blows isn't the focus here, Gajeel." Lily pointed out as he then got scolded by Gajeel.

Gray then stripped from his top, but not without Juvia commenting on how courageous he is. "Loke! Now we can go one on one!" Gray exclaimed.

"But is it necessary to take off your clothes?" Lucy muttered as I nodded in agreement. "Fairy Tail sure is interesting, huh (E/n)?" I asked (E/n) as she nodded with a deadpan on her face.

"I'll destroy you!" Leo shouted as he launched an attack towards Gray.

By insinct, I launched an attack towards Leo, alongside Natsu and Gray himself. The combination of the attacked caused an explosion and dust was flying everywhere.

Natsu ran through the smoke to find Leo but instead found all the Celestial Spirits standing in front of their respective doors.

"If you want to stop us, you'll have to follow us. Show us your own craving for freedom!" Leo shouted before they all went through the doors.

Natsu was about to charge after Leo but was stopped by Princess Hisui. "Please wait!" she exclaimed, "I'll entrust each of us with one key." Arcadios then opened up a case that held some keys. "They're charged with Celestial Spirit magic, so now all of you will be able to close the gates at will." she explained.

"Give me Loke's!" Natsu exclaimed. After that, we all decided who goes into which door. I decided to go with Mira since it would be unfair if it was a 2v1 situation.

"Princess Hisui, I promise we will succeed in closing the gates." Lucy said. 

"Let's go after them!" Erza commanded as we all let out a battle cry before entering our respective doors.


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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