Chapter 20: The End

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Izumi: last chapter !! 

wondering why people read this lol im sorry the quality is so BAD i was just so tired of this story skjsladkjlkdj



"Anyway, the important thing is that you're safe." Erza said. "I'm still hurt in places..." Natsu said as he sat up from his lying down position.

"That's what you get for plunging into its stomach at the last minute!" Gajeel said. "Getting to be the big hero!" Gray added.

"I can heal you if you want, Natsu." I said, smiling at him. <let's make it possible>

"Really? Thanks, (Y/n)!" he said as I kneel down to his level and healed him.

"Wha- can you heal us too, (Y/n)?!" Gajeel asked. "Hai hai.. (Yes yes)"

On with Chapter 20:


After healing everyone. . .

"Anyways, where's everyone who has turned into constellations?" Natsu asked, now healed from his injuries.

"Right here!" We hear someone shout and a bunch of footsteps following behind them.

Everyone who was turned into constellations were back to normal and were running towards us!


"Sheesh! I never want to go through that again!"


"Hm. It wasn't bad being a constellation for a change."

"Yuki-chan!" I exclaimed and ran towards her. "(N/n)!" She did the same as we ran into each other's arms and hugged each other tightly.

"So what happened with the Celestial Spirits?" Carla asked. "That's right. Where are Loke and the others?" Natsu added before a gloomy feeling came over.

"Don't tell me we were too late.." Arcadios said. "We changed back into our normal forms. I'm sure that they are somewhere in the Celestial Spirit World.. but still..." Princess Hisui said.

While the others were worrying about the Celestial Spirits, Yukino was admiring the Celestial Spirit World. "This is the true Celestial Spirit World." she said as she looked around. "Yeah.. It's beautiful isn't it." I said. "Yeah!"

Suddenly a lot of "Plues" came out of from behind the pillars and debris around us. They all seemed to be ushering us somewhere.

We followed where they were directing us and when we reached the venue, I gasped. All the Celestial Spirits were back to normal!

"Pisces! Libra!" Yukino exclaimed before running to them.

"Everyone! You've changed back to normal!" Lucy too exclaimed before running to Virgo and crying.

Natsu went to Leo.

I walked to Yukino to join in her conversation with Pisces and Libra. Apparently they don't remember anything when they were in their Eclipse forms.

Before I could say anything though, I was pulled into an embrace by Leo as he placed an arm around my shoulder. Yukino was under his other arm.

"I would never say anything like that! Right?" Leo said as he directed the statement to the two of us. "H-Huh??" I was flustered. What was he talking about??

We soon were released from his grasp and continued talking to each other.

"Old.. friends." A voice echoed from above, causing everyone to look up.

My eyes widened when I saw who was talking to us. 'T-The Celestial Spirit King!' he was floating in front of us. 'He's huge!' I thought when I noticed how small we were compared to him.

"The Celestial Spirit King! Maybe you don't remember anything either?" Lucy asked. "Hey! So you're all right, beardie!" Natsu said.

"I sense.. that I had a long, dark evil dream, but that is all. And now, it is gone." The Celestial Spirit King said.

"However, old friends, this dark dream that came from afar.. was like a gust of pale, nostalgic wind... blowing through my inner world. I do not know why... but for some reason, these words come to mind. "Thank you for everything." "

Princess Hisui then came up to the front of the group. "Celestial Spirit King!" she shouted, "My name is Hisui E. Fiore. As the daughter of the King of Fiore... no, as a Celestial Spirit Wizard, I deeply apologize to you. It's all... it's all my.."

"You did what you did to save my old friends' world from an awful predicament." The Celestial Spirit King cut her off, "Why must you feel regret for that? Perhaps we were turned into prisoners because of our own weakness."

Princess Hisui wanted to interrupt, but was cut off by the Celestial Spirit King again.

"Let us look to the stars for guidance in everything. Grin!" he reassured as he grins widely. 



Izumi: thanks for reading Sabertooth Goddess 2! i regretted writing this story after like the first few chapters because i knew how late book 2 was published after book 1 ended, but i didnt want to waste my efforts of preparing this story, i just continued writing this story until the end, and i still dont like it that much lul. i understand if im only left with like a handful of readers lol its okay

i took the time during self-isolation from the virus AND my school holiday to write this, and i finished this earlier than expected °3°.

if you made it this far reading it. . .why?

also after this book has been completed, i will be posting 1 or 2 more books the next week, probably, my future self might change plans but my current self is going to prepare those chapters. They're gonna be a "Free! Iwatobi Swim Club" and "Haikyuu! (Cheater! Terushima x reader x Sugawara)", inspired by one of my Haikyuu oneshots.

UPDATE [11 JULY 2020]: i actually posted 2 Haikyuu Books not long ago. its "Betrayal (Cheater! Terushima x reader x Sugawara)" and "Blue Castle (Aoba Johsai x Manager!reader)"! if you are a fan of Haikyuu, check them out! :)

Have a nice day!

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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