Chapter 16: Determined

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"It's not over yet!" Natsu exclaimed, "Let's beat the hell out of that thing!"

"Natsu's right. This is not time to grieve.." I said. Erza nodded at our words, "Let's go!" she commanded before everyone went to attack the beast.

On with Chapter 16:


(E/n) was carrying me towards the Eclipse Celestial Spirit King as I unleashed multiple attacks on it. However, nothing seems to be affecting the beast.

"Dammit! It's not having any effect?!" I shouted in annoyance.

The beast then looked towards us two and swung its arm to hit us. Luckily, (E/n) was fast enough to move out of the way.

"Individual attacks aren't working! Let's all attack at the same time!" Erza said. 

I flew next to the other dragon slayers and prepared a roar. "Roar of the..." 

"Sky Dragon!"

"Iron Dragon!"

"Fire Dragon!"

"White Dragon!" <until now I still don't know if its Light or White. . .>

The beast shone brightly as it was getting attacked from all directions by everyone. Due to the barrage of attacks, it had caused explosions and smoke to cover the beast.

We all stopped and stared at the smoke, to see if we had done enough damage on the beast. When the smoke started to disappear, the beast was seen with no injuries and wasn't fazed at all.

"What is that?! It didn't have any effect on him!" Happy exclaimed, shocked and scared of what was in front of them. 

The beast slouched before standing up straight and let out a softer roar than before.

"It's about to do something! Be careful!" Erza warned us as the beast started to slouch again. Then, it let out a louder roar that knocked everyone back.

Luckily, (E/n) and I managed to land on a planet safely. I looked around to see if everyone else was safe, but I saw a big piece of debris flying towards Yukino.

I flew towards Yukino and destroyed the debris with an attack before landing beside her.

"White Dragon's Claw!"

"Thanks, (Y/n)!" she thanked and I nodded in response.

"Don't hesitate! Again, everyone!" I heard Erza shout before everyone went to attack the beast again.

The beast raised its right arm and pointed its finger towards Juvia before a red laser was shone from it. Oddly enough, a red light was shone from the sky and pulled her upwards before she was gone and was turned into a constellation. 

 A feint "Gray-sama.." could be heard at the same time. Gray shouted her name in worry, "Juvia!"

My eyes widened. I was scared. So very scared. But so was everyone.

"W-What?! What just happened?!" Cana exclaimed with fear in her voice.

"It can do that..?" Wendy said softly.

When the beast seemed to be off guard, Mira, Elfman, and Cana went and attacked the beast from behind. Unfortunately, it turned around quickly and swung its right arm with the red laser still present.

The 3 of them turned into constellations too.

"This is the same thing that happened to Loke and the others when we shut their gates?" Lucy asked. "That bastard.." Natsu grumbled under his breath.

"How can we get them back to normal?" Wendy asked. "Maybe bringing that thing down will bring them back!" Gray suggested.

The beast then pointed the red laser towards Gajeel, but missed due to him moving and hit Lily instead who was on Gajeel's back. It aimed for Gajeel again, but he got saved again, by Levy this time.

Wendy and Carla tried to attack it, but they got "captured" too.

The beast then saw me in their peripherals and tried to attack me and (E/n), but thankfully we were quick enough to move out of the way. It kept attacking me until it saw Natsu moving towards it, causing it to unleash more red lasers.

Apparently I didn't notice one laser aiming towards me until I got pushed from the back and hearing a scream.

"Yukino!" I shouted when I realized it was her who took it hit for me. I turned to the beast and glared daggers at it.

"(E/n), let's go!" I shouted. "Aye!" they responded before we flew towards it. Natsu and Happy were near it too.

"What, you're not gonna stop 'till we're all stars?!" I hear Natsu shouting. "You're not gonna get away with this!" Happy shouted.

The beast then opened its mouth again.

(E/n) and I stopped, "What is he gonna do?" I said, referring to Natsu who proceeded to pick up a nearby small planet.

Apparently even Happy was shocked at his partner's decision."What are you gonna do, Natsu?!" Happy screamed.

"What do you think?! I'm gonna kick its ass!" Natsu shouted back before throwing the planet towards the beast. The beast however, just kicked the planet, breaking it in the process.

"Natsu! You can't give in to anger! It'll turn you into a constellation, too!" Erza tried to calm Natsu down, but it wasn't making any progress.

"And if we don't hit it, nothing will happen!" he retorted.

The beast starts to just swing its arms around and was destroying the planets around it. Gray was about to attack but he had to stop to dodge the incoming hit, "Dammit! What the hell are we supposed to do?!" he shouted.

"Club of the Iron Dragon!" Gajeel shouted as he attacked the beast melee-style, but paused when he didn't get the result he wanted. "What the hell..? I can't tell if its hard or soft!" Gajeel exclaimed.

"Whatever it is, I'm gonna beat it to a pulp!" Natsu exclaimed before flying to the beast.


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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