Chapter 15: Eclipse Celestial Spirit King

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"Understood." Arcadios responded to Horologium's request. "Princess," he called out as Princess Hisui turned to face him, "I am your sword and shield. Let us go together." he said as he placed his hand out.

Princess Hisui gave him a smile before placing her hand in his hand, "Thank you." she said.

Not long after, everyone was getting transported to the Celestial Spirit World. "Everyone else, wait for us!" Lucy exclaimed. "We're on our way! You'd better not try to escape, beardie!" Natsu exclaimed too.

On with Chapter 15:


As we were moving to the Celestial Spirit World, I realized that we were moving at such a high speed and I was thinking how we were going to stop.

I saw that we were out of the place that was connected to where we were from and the Celestial Spirit World, and saw that we were flying through the sky so fast that we probably seemed like a meteor from outside as fire was surrounding us.

The ground soon got closer and closer and somehow we landed safely.

I looked around to see everyone safe from the landing and noticed that everything in my surrounding was destroyed. "This is the Celestial Spirit World?" I asked no one in particular.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind came. While I was having a bit of trouble going against the wind, (E/n) was barely holding on the ground so I quickly snatched them up into my arms and hugged them close.

"The wind is so strong.." Erza said. "It's totally different from the last time we were here." Juvia said. "If I don't hang on to something for dear life, I'm gonna be blown away!" Happy shouted.

The small planets that were around us started to move towards a figure that was in the distance. It looked like it was made out of space, if that was possible. The small planets surrounded the figure's neck.

"What is that gigantic thing?!" Gajeel exclaimed

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"What is that gigantic thing?!" Gajeel exclaimed. "Hey, don't tell me that's.." Levy trailed off at the end. "No way... Don't tell me that's.. the Celestial Spirit King?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I've never seen something so eerie.." Arcadios commented. "That's not the Celestial Spirit King I know!" Princess Hisui exclaimed.

"The Eclipsed Celestial Spirit King..." Erza said but I cut her off, "No.. more like the Celestial Spirit Beast.."

"Hey, look! Around it's head part!" Cana pointed out. "It doesn't have a beard!" Happy exclaimed. "That's not what she meant!" Cana shouted with annoyance.

We looked closer to the planets and saw that it contained the Eclipse Celestial Spirit.

"What? Celestial Spirits inside the planets.." Gray said. "I guess that means they're captives." Wendy guessed.

"Everyone! We're coming to save you!" Lucy said before the.. beast opened its "mouth" and started sucking in the planets that contained the Eclipse Celestial Spirits.

"What the hell is that thing, getting full from sucking the 12 Celestial Spirits?" Gajeel said. I noticed that Yukino was shocked, probably traumatized. I placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned towards me and I gave her a reassuring and determined smile, to show that I am there to go through these things with her.

She understood my small action and returned the smile.

"It's not over yet!" Natsu exclaimed, "Let's beat the hell out of that thing!" 

"Natsu's right. This is not time to grieve.." I said. Erza nodded at our words, "Let's go!" she commanded before everyone went to attack the beast.


Izumi: I think it's pretty obvious of what's happening to this world right now. But I wish for everyone's safety. You can talk to me if you need a listening ear. I won't judge, I won't criticise, unless you are being illogical. Please don't do anything stupid, especially to others. Do as much as you can to help. I'm not a victim, nor am I a potential, kinda, heck I don't even live in the U.S. If you want to, you can talk to me. Instagram, Wattpad, Discord, I am available, just tell me beforehand if it is outside of Wattpad so I will check them. I hope all of you are well and safe.

Have a nice day. 

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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