Chapter 17: Don't give up!

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"Club of the Iron Dragon!" Gajeel shouted as he attacked the beast melee-style, but paused when he didn't get the result he wanted. "What the hell..? I can't tell if its hard or soft!" Gajeel exclaimed.

"Whatever it is, I'm gonna beat it to a pulp!" Natsu exclaimed before flying to the beast.

On with Chapter 17:

(Y/N)'S POV 

All of us were putting our all into attacking the beast. Somewhere along the line, I just noticed that Arcadios and Princess Hisui were turned into constellations too, but I didn't notice when.

Gray launched an attack where multiple shards of ice flew towards the beast, but black holes opened up on its skin and sucked up the ice shards.

"Everyone, watch out for the black holes! You'll be sucked in if you let your guard down!" I shouted the warning to them.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Gajeel almost getting sucked in by the black hole, but fortunately he saved himself by making his arm into a pickaxe and nailed himself onto the side of the beast.

"Gajeel!" I exclaimed before flying down to him and carry him back to safety. "Thanks, firefly." he thanked me by calling me the new nickname he gave me.

I set him down on a nearby undamaged planet before going back to attacking the beast.

Lucy tried to make the beast fall by using her whip to coil around its legs, but it didn't seem fazed at all as it was still steady on its two feet.

Natsu tried to punch its head, but the beast opened its mouth and let out another roar.

At the same time, green fog-like lasers(?) came out from the body and Natsu got hit by it, so did Erza.

At the same time, green fog-like lasers(?) came out from the body and Natsu got hit by it, so did Erza

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"Natsu! Erza!" I was worried for my friends.

"Don't puke on us right after you suck stuff up!" Gajeel shouted in annoyance. 

Lucy almost got hit too but was saved by Gray. However, both of them still got hit by another green laser.

"This ain't nothin'." Gajeel said before attacking a part of the laser. "Roar of the Iron Dragon!"

Instead of the laser getting destroyed, the Roar was destroyed instead by the laser, which then changed its direction somehow to hit Gajeel.

Meanwhile, I was dodging left and right but it ended up being futile since I ended up getting hit anyways. It shot me onto a planet and I could barely move.

"Hnnng." I groaned and was panting heavily as I tried to move my body.

"I smelled it.." I hear Natsu whisper under his breath with my enhanced hearing.

"Ouch,, okay I can move." Gray said as he sat up. "If you can move.. you can still stand." Erza said as she stood up. "If you can stand.. you can fight!" Gajeel shouted. "We're not gonna give up!" I shouted as I finally stood up with (E/n) by my side.

All of us stared and waited for the beast to move.

Not long after, the beast breathed out another fog-like laser. What we didn't expect though, was for Natsu to fly towards the beast's mouth.

"Natsu!" I heard Gray exclaim. "They flew right into the light!" I added. "What does he intend to do?!" Erza asked.

Before Natsu reached the beast though, he flew around a planet, getting faster and faster each second.

"That bastard.."

"Don't tell me..."

"Th-That's crazy!" Gajeel, Gray, and Lucy said respectively.

"That's Natsu." Erza stated. 

"Max Speed!" Natsu and Happy exclaimed before they flew off the planet and into the beast through the mouth.

"The idea being if you can't hurt it from the outside, try from the inside? What a crazy man.." I commented. 'Fairy Tail is an interesting place indeed.'

"Leave the outside to us!" Gajeel shouted, "Trash it from the inside, Salamder!"

"Let's do what we can out here!" Lucy said before all of us went back to attacking the beast again.


Izumi: I forgot today is a saturday lol

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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