Chapter 19: We did it

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Izumi: 2nd last chapter !!



The beast suddenly charges up again.

"Everyone, dodge!" Erza shouted. "How the hell do we dodge this?!" Gajeel retorted. Gray managed to make an ice shield/wall for him and Lucy, but Erza, Gajeel, (E/n) and I got hit by the attack.

"Hm? It's not as strong as before!" I noticed. "Then our attacks are working! So let's keep at it!" Erza said.

On with Chapter 19:


The longer we attack it, the more aggressive it gets.

"(Y/n)!" Gajeel exclaimed once he saw that I got hit by the beast. I saw that he tried to catch me, but got hit himself too.

Once we've recovered, we got back up and continued to destroy the stalks on the back of the beast.

And the cycle repeats.

The beast charges up and launched another wave attack. The attack caused dust to fly and I shielded my eyes from it before continuing to attack.

"We only have a few of those stalks left! Anyone seen Natsu?!" Erza shouted. "They haven't come out yet!" I responded as I destroyed another stalk.

"Sheesh! How long is he gonna rock 'n' roll in there?!" Gajeel was very much annoyed at this point.

Not long after, one last stalk was left and we destroyed it. "We did it!" I exclaimed.

"Everyone, fall back!" We all went to a nearby planet that was somehow still up. We waited for awhile as we stared at the beast.

Instead of falling, it looked like it was transforming yet again. 'Is it becoming more... muscular?' I thought.

"What now?!" Gray shouted with annoyance. "Even though we destroyed all of those stems!" Lucy shouted too.

"Is it drawing on something to gain power?" Erza asked. "Hey! Salamander! What the hell are you doin' in there?!" Gajeel shouted.

"This isn't good. It's trying to change forms again. If we don't stop it now..." Erza trailed off. "Everyone, let's just continue attacking it!" I said and everyone agreed to the idea before attacking the beast once again.

"Erza.. what about Natsu and Happy?" I heard Lucy ask. "They haven't come out yet, but.." Erza trailed off. "We gotta do this now, before it attacks again!" Gray continued Erza's sentence.

"Get the hell outta there, Salamander!" Gajeel shouted before attacking again.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Erza going to a planet alone, "Come and get it!" she shouted to attract the beast's attention, which was successful as it turned towards Erza and aimed its fist to punch her.

Lucy and Gray warned Erza to stop, but Erza stood her ground and stopped the punch with 2 of her swords held in an 'X' formation.

"I can't hear the voices... but I have faith in them. I have faith that Natsu and Happy will save our friends!" Erza shouted before pushing back the fist. The beast retracts its fist.

"Natsu and the others will all come back! That's another reason we're gonna take you down!" 

==S H O R T  T I M E S K I P==

After attacking for awhile more, the beast suddenly stood upright and put its hands on its head before purple lights come out from its body.

"Get back!" I shouted as everyone moved back.

The lights suddenly disappeared and the beast falls before glowing and exploding.

Apparently Natsu and Happy got launched out of the beast as we see them land roughly onto the planet beside us with debris falling on top of them.

"Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed as we ran towards the fire dragon slayer and his exceed.

Erza climbs onto the debris and pulls out Natsu and Happy. At the same time, light was shining from underneath the debris.

"Erza!" "You did great, Natsu." Erza and Natsu exchanged some words before the Celestial Spirit King, in his normal form, came out of nowhere and pushed them.

The Celestial Spirit World starts glowing and in a few seconds, everything was back to normal.

We were at an entrance of some sort. "Look, Natsu! The Celestial Spirit World went back to normal!" Happy exclaimed excitedly. "Yeah.."

"Thanks, Natsu and Happy!" Lucy said. "Thanks to you guys, too." Natsu replied. "I'm the one who's grateful! Even though you were reckless.." Lucy said.

"Anyway, the important thing is that you're safe." Erza said. "I'm still hurt in places..." Natsu said as he sat up from his lying down position.

"That's what you get for plunging into its stomach at the last minute!" Gajeel said. "Getting to be the big hero!" Gray added.

"I can heal you if you want, Natsu." I said, smiling at him. <let's make it possible>

"Really? Thanks, (Y/n)!" he said as I kneel down to his level and healed him.

"Wha- can you heal us too, (Y/n)?!" Gajeel asked. "Hai hai.. (Yes yes)"


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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