A Dose of Anxiety

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The door shut quietly behind Dust as he returned, his hand shaking. He'd been seen. And by Blue, nonetheless. He stared straight ahead. The mansion was quiet, it still being too early in the morning for anyone to be awake. He twitched. "Brother..." Dust blinked and lifted his head to look into Papyrus' ghostly orange eyes. "We need more... more LV..."

Dust nodded silently. Without a word, an idea crossed into his mind. He blinked as Papyrus let out a breathy giggle. "Wonderful idea, brother..." Dust stared at him. He could never tell when Papyrus was messing with him anymore. For all he knew, Papyrus was feeding him lies and leading him astray. But... He stared at his ghostly brother, twitching. Papyrus would NEVER do that.

Dust blinked and slowly refocused. He felt... numb. His skeletal hand tightened on the long, pointed bone. The blood on it had begun to dry. Dust blinked and moved forward without a sound. He moved down the halls before emerging in the theater. Freak was tied up on the stage, twitching and shaking. He seemed to be asleep, rubbing his head against the floor as he muttered in his sleep.

Dust blinked, watching him for a few moments. He glanced to the side as he felt Papyrus' hand on his shoulder. "Do it." The other's voice echoed in his mind. Dust nodded again. Papyrus would never lie to him. Papyrus would never lead him astray. He twitched. His eyes lit up and he instantly appeared on stage next to Freak.

He knelt down and pinned the other down, making Freak open his eyes. He saw Dust and grinned, it almost seeming to curl upwards. Dust stared into the other's deranged eyes. Freak was putting up no resistance. He just smiled at Dust. Like he had been expecting this the entire time. Papyrus' voice was whispering around him. Finally, he heard it explode in his head. "DO IT."

Dust did. Freak made no sound at all, only grinning at Dust with that twisted smile as he collapsed into a pile of red-stained, grey dust. Dust stared down at it as Papyrus breathed over his shoulder. He could feel his sins crawling on his back.


Dream jolted awake in bed, breathless. He was shaking. He gripped his chest, eyes wide. He couldn't breathe. He began to glow desperately, trying to calm himself down. He screwed his eyes shut. His SOUL was pounding so hard, it was shaking his thin frame. He inhaled shakily.

He sat in the bed for a moment, staring forward as the first of golden tears began to make their way down his face. Why was he crying?? Why was he scared?? He gulped and hugged one of his pillows to himself. He hadn't slept well in quite some time.

He would constantly wake several times in the night, terrified out of his mind. He never remembered why he was scared. He stared around the dark room. He didn't like it. Something about him being alone and the shadows felt so sinister. He had a thought, but tried to push it out of his mind. That was ridiculous. He couldn't.

Dream stared shakily at the bed. Could he...? It couldn't hurt to try...? He gulped and climbed shakily out of his bed, standing still for a moment, considering his actions. He glanced in the mirror, making out his glowing gold eyes. He wore a simple yellow T-Shirt and black pants. He shuffled, taking a step towards the door before pausing once again. Was this too childish of a thing to do??

He gulped. He was shaking. He turned and pulled a thin blanket from the bed, wrapping himself in it. He stared at himself in the mirror before the glowing tears started again. He didn't care. He needed someone right now.

He moved over to his door and opened it, slipping out into the hallway. He made his way down, passing through stripes of moonlight. The mansion was eerily silent. Normally, Dream would've found it peaceful, but not now. He made his way over to a door and stopped in front of it, gulping. He raised a hand.

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