A Hot Flash

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Horror stared at the oven. He was crouched right in front of it, watching the pizza through the window. Lust was sitting next to him in his ghostly form, sitting crisscross. Horror, I do not believe watching it will make it bake faster. Lust said, sounding amused. Horror didn't believe him.

Horror blinked and twitched, suddenly looking over at Lust. "How do you take notes if you can't read?" He asked, realizing how curious he'd been about that.

Lust blinked, taken back by the sudden question before blushing and looking down. Well, each letter is just a collection of lines. So, in a way, I suppose it just feels like I am drawing. Lust explained uneasily, rubbing his arm. I was never taught how to read... I went into the 'performing' business at an extremely young age. He seemed to fall quiet and his eyelights became a haunted, pale purple. Horror stared at him for a few moments before twitching. He shrieked as two skeletons materialized in front of the front door.

He watched as Dust set the small blue skeleton down. Blue. Luckily, his name was simple enough for Horror to remember. Blue noticed Horror and cane scampering over as Dust set their bags to the side. "What're you making?" He asked curiously. Horror twitched, staring at him. He could make out faint stains on Blue's face.

He pointed with a shaking, red-stained finger. "Been crying??" He asked scratchily. Blue's eyelights vanished for a moment and he quickly turned away as they came back. Blue had noticeably stiffened and avoided Horror's gaze.

Horror blinked before realizing and looking away himself. "Bad questions. Bad questions." He murmured quietly, trying to scold himself. He was brought back as Blue turned his head up to look at him. He was smiling weakly.

"N-No... it's okay..." He stammered quietly. Horror shook his head. He dug one hand into the side of his head and used the other to loosely gesture to the oven.

"S'pizza." Horror said, giving a shaking grin. Blue paled a bit and Horror quickly stopped smiling, not wanting to scare the smaller. He was tense. He blinked as he felt ghostly arms around him and managed to relax a little as he felt Lust faintly hug him from behind. Blue seemed surprised.

"Oh! Y-You're actually preparing it instead of eating it frozen??" Blue asked in surprise. Horror twitched and nodded. He stood up and turned away, watching Lust drift over the counter.

"Tastes better hot..." Horror admitted. Blue blinked and seemed to perk up. He gave a soft giggle. Horror blinked at him before twitching and going back to watching Lust. Lust smiled at him. Horror watched as Blue scampered back over to Dust, who'd seemingly gone over to talk to Cross and Nightmare. He turned his attention back to Lust before tipping his head. "Lust... I really wanna teach ya to read..."

Lust blinked and perked up, his eyelights returning to that beautiful dark purple. Horror, are you sure you can? Lust asked uncertainly. Horror blinked, knowing the other wasn't trying to be mean. Horror knew he was a bit unsteady when it came to thinking. No doubt he would have trouble teaching. He tapped his fingers against the counter quietly.

"C-Can ask someone to help too..." He glanced over at Cross before shaking his head. He wasn't sure he could look Cross in the face quite yet. And he was sure that Lust DEFINITELY couldn't.

What about Dream? He knows of my existence and he seems kind enough. Lust suggested, drifting upside down in the air. Horror blinked and perked up, nodding. His finger tapping sped up for a moment as he thought. Where even was Dream? He and Killer had disappeared upstairs as soon as they'd gotten back from school. Horror furrowed his brow. They were probably taking naps or something.

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