A Crisis Code

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For a moment, Ink couldn't believe it. He studied the pictures Dream had sent him, Error looking over his shoulder. He zoomed in on one and froze up. "I-I-Ink..." Error stated, his eyes wide and voice concerned. Ink had no doubt they were both looking at the same picture. The one of his vials.

"Someone knows." Ink whispered. He shakily set down his phone, covering his face. Error reached out and rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. He used his strings to snag the phone and pull it towards him. It fizzled a little when he picked it up, but it was fine otherwise.

Despite his glitching, he was able to scroll through the pictures with ease. He fizzled violently as another text from Dream came through.

NM n his friends r gonna kill them

That did not sound like a bad plan to Error. He didn't care what this mystery "hero" was trying to expose about him. It was Ink. He cared about Ink far too much to allow him to be devastated like this. He glanced over at Ink.

"They're going to tell people, Error..." Ink's voice was barely above a whisper. Error knew that voice well. He used his strings to ensnare Ink and pull him closer to him on the bed. They were at Ink's house, in his bedroom. Ink leaned against him, shaking. "Error..."

"Th-Th-They aren't going t-t-t-to tell anyone SHIT." Error growled out. Ink trembled against him. "I'm going to ch-ch-ch-check." He started to get up, but immediately, he felt Ink's grab his scarf. He turned back to look at him.

"Be CAREFUL." Ink said shakily. "You know what will happen if you mess with it too much. We'll be noticed." He said quietly. Error stared at him for a moment before reaching down and slipping his fingers into Ink's, intertwining them. He lifted the other's hand to his teeth and pressed them against Ink's knuckle softly.

Ink lit up in his rainbow blush and stared at Error. "I'll b-b-b-b-be fine." Error said quietly. "D-D-Done this b-b-b-before plenty of t-t-t-t-times." His assurance seemed to relax Ink, but not too much. The other still squeezed his hand worriedly. Error squeezed it back before gently slipping his hand away from Ink's.

The other stared after him as he head towards the door and slipped out. He came out into the end of the hallway. He'd left one of the three doors. He cast a glance at the door in the middle uneasily.

The one he was headed for was lit up bright blue. Two of the doors said Do Not Enter, but those words meant nothing to Error. He reached out and put his hand on the knob. He hesitated, still freaked out by the slight fizzle that went up his arm.

The door clicked and Error pushed it open. He stared up with a sense of familiarity. Millions of bright blue wires and strands of light were connected to a single piece of glowing blue paper drifting up in the air. Dots of sparkling white and blue drifted around him. He shut the door behind him.

Error hadn't been here in a while. It was only him and Ink who knew about this. It was only them that kept their little world to themselves. Separated from the others. Error moved to the middle of the room and snapped his fingers. The entire room went black.

It was waiting for a command. "Sh-Sh-Sh-Show me pa-pa-past events." Error ordered. There was nothing for a moment before a blinding amount of information began to swell up around him. The codes flew around Error, lighting up his black void with flashes of light every few seconds.

The codes all filtered upwards, keeping a tight, circular formation around him. Error began studying all of them. He was looking. "Sh-Sh-Show me th-th-th-the package delivery." He commanded.

A square stretch of code separated from the rest. "Who-who delivered it?" The code that he needed immediately lit up and he studied it. Pieces of it would flash by, every few seconds, too fast for him to catch them. He didn't recognize that name. But maybe Ink would.

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