A Scarlet Scorn

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Fell was furious. He spat at the skeleton known as Cross and Cross blinked. He reached up and wiped his face, his eyes never leaving Fell's. Fell blinked, feeling an involuntary shudder go down his body. The air around him had dropped several degrees and it suddenly felt... dangerous... Cross chuckled quietly. It was not a joyful or happy sound.

Fell yelped as the strings yanked him closer to Cross and Cross formed a smaller, glowing red blade. He held it up, the glow illuminating both of their skulls.

Cross gave a twisted grin and to Fell's shock, a needle burst out of his skull. It was transparent. A knife formed elsewhere and Cross himself seemed to become transparent.

Blood began to erupt as parts of his bones seemed to dust away. There was a rattling noise. Like someone was shaking a metal fence. Slowly, Cross straightened up, revealing a torn uniform. He was knives and swords and all kinds of weapons sticking out from his bones.

The chains around his body began to form and Fell watched in shock and horror as Cross gripped them firmly and yanked them backwards. Another creature appeared in front of him, inches away, being held back by the chain. A deranged, white, black-eyed human that snarled and snapped at him.

The chains connected them to Cross. Error approached Cross' other side, flickering himself. His scarf disappeared and his head glitched violently to the side for a moment. A noose made of glowing strings slowly formed, drifting off into nothing and Error scowled. Fell stared at them. "Fuck." He whispered.

Then, he blinked once and they were both back to normal. The human was gone. Cross used the small blade to lift Fell's chin. "Do you UNDERSTAND just who you're trying to fight?" Cross' question was light, but his tone sent another involuntary shudder down Fell's bones.

Fell opened his mouth, but yelped as strings bound it open again. He froze. It was like he was being killed all over again. Error glared at him. "Y-Y-You've wasted y-y-y-your opportunity to speak..." Cross nodded next to him, his eyes glowing. He turned to Fell.

"Now GET OUT." He snarled, a flash of his terrifying ghostly form appearing again. Fell fled.


"Dream." Someone was shaking him. Dream slowly blinked open his eyes. He was laying on the floor, propped up against the wall, breathing heavily. Error and Cross were both knelt in front of him. "Are you alright?" Dream felt dizzy, but other than that, he felt fine.

He furrowed his brow. "What... what did the spirit have to say...?" He asked, looking up at them. Error gave a scowl and Dream could immediately tell the encounter had not gone well. He blinked in dismay.

"S-S-S-Spirit was a f-f-f-friend of Sci's... N-N-N-Name's Fell." Error told him. Dream blinked in shock. He did know Fell. He'd always seen the delinquent skeleton hanging out with scientist. Error had killed him?? He shook for a moment and Error seemed to notice. His body gave a fizzle and he turned his head away.

"He attempted to threaten us." Cross' voice was quiet. Dream didn't like the odd tone he had. It made his bones crawl and his SOUL scrunch up uncertainly. Cross' eyes slowly met his and there it was. That unpredictability burning in his eyelights. "Go back to everyone else."

Dream gulped and nodded, using the wall to push himself to his feet. He staggered for a moment and strings caught him, pulling him upright. He thanked Error quietly and felt the strings retreat before he moved back towards the living room.

He approached the opening in the hallway, hearing everyone chatting in the living room. He had to calm down. He glanced back down the hall, having left Cross and Error far behind. He hugged himself and quickly took a deep breath. He let out a burst of positive energy and plastered a less-worried look on his face.

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