A Glorious Arrival

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"Even YOU?" Killer asked in shock. He was talking to Dream, who blushed and nodded. They were all walking to school in their giant group. Nightmare had Killer in his tentacles, though he kept him lowered enough to speak to Dream. "You, Dream, willingly skipped school for me?"

"W-Well, of course I did..." Dream mumbled in quiet embarrassment, his cheeks lit up gold. He seemed to notice something and Killer seems to follow his gaze to his tail, which was wagging behind him again. Killer covered his face.

"FUCK." He said, seeming embarrassed out of his mind. They heard Dream start giggling quietly. Nightmare turned back to Cross, who glanced at him from under his fluffy hood. He was carrying Cross in another one of his tentacles.

Cross seemed perfectly content with it as well. Dust walked slightly ahead of them, no doubt ready to see Blue. Horror, slightly behind, seeming to be having a conversation all on his own.

They were approaching the intersection, where they would meet everyone. Sure enough, they all saw the small blue skeleton absolutely booking it, running straight to Dust, who opened an arm to him. Blue crashed into him and it looked like the equivalent of a squeaky toy bouncing off a brick wall.

Blue fell over and Dust used his magic to lift Blue back to his feet. Blue thanked him cheerfully, immediately attaching himself in a hug around the other. Dream yelped as he was tackled by Ink. Nightmare heard fizzling and paused.

Error was walking with Geno, who seemed awkward as he approached the rest of the gang. Dream seemed confused as well. "Geno? What're you doing here?" He asked. Geno lit up slightly red.

"H-H-H-He heard about K-K-K-K-Killer and wanted to s-s-s-see him." Error explained, shrugging. Ink immediately bolted up, both of his eyes being glowing stars.

"Oh yeah!! Where is he?!" Ink squealed in excitement. Nightmare glanced up at Killer and he could see the other practically begging him not to put him down. A grin curled on Nightmare's face as he dropped Killer right next to Ink. "HOLY SHIT!!" Before Killer could stop him, Ink was already on top of him, circling him and examining him.

Killer yanked his tail away from Ink and pulled out a knife, the tip at Ink's throat. "Th-Th-That's enough, Ink." Blue strings wrapped around Ink and he whined loudly as Error dragged him back. Error rolled his eyes. Geno peered around Nightmare and seemed in quiet awe of Killer.

Killer noticed him and seemed wary. Geno put up his hands. "Don't worry. I don't like being touchy. I just wanted to see." He said, ducking his head. Killer seemed to relax a little. Ink wriggled in the binds of Error's strings.

"Are you gonna go back to the house now?" He asked. Geno quietly nodded. "Remember to lock the door!" Geno nodded again, turning away and waving to them before starting back off in the direction he'd come. Nightmare noticed Cross staring after him in quiet amusement. He was seeing something Nightmare didn't.

Killer stood awkwardly. Dream moved over to him and Killer seemed grateful as he put a hand on Dream's shoulder to stand up properly. He shuffled his claws against the pavement. His tail brushed it as well. "This is so fucking annoying." He muttered.

Nightmare felt a pulse of annoyance from Blue and Dust seemed to distract him, talking to him. He turned to look back at Killer, who hadn't moved. Killer was staring at him, clearly wanting to ask something. Nightmare could already tell what it probably was.

"You want me to carry you again?" He asked, raising a brow. Killer's face flushed and he nodded in shame as Dream quietly assured him it was okay. Nightmare wrapped his tentacle back around Killer's torso and picked him up before they continued to walk again.

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