A Familial Gathering

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A few days later, Geno slipped the spare key out from under the mat. Ink had called both him and Fresh back to the house. Geno unlocked the door quietly and pushed it open. Fresh wasn't going to arrive until later. Geno slipped inside and began to walk around.

He had been avoiding mirrors recently since he'd left Ink's house. That damn reaper. Was he crazy?! He scowled, shivering as he thought about it. He sighed. As he turned the corner into a hallway, he heard a yelp. He looked down in surprise to see Ink. The smaller skeleton stared up at him from a wide-eyed, clearly nervous face. Geno blinked.

He tipped his head. "So, what happened?" He asked. Ink shook his head, sniffing as he gave a weak smile. The other seemed to realize something. He looked up at Geno slowly.

"Is Fresh on his way?" He asked. Geno blinked at the suddenness of the question and nodded. Ink's eyes widened. "C-can I... Can I show you something?!"

Ink grabbed his hand and Geno blinked as the smaller skeleton led him down the winding hallways. He watched as the other let go of his hand and went to a carpet. Oh. Geno raised a brow as Ink pulled the carpet off, revealing a trapdoor.

"So are we heading down to the library again? Did you find some ancient cursed text or something?" He asked, smiling. Ink glanced up at him and gave a weak, but amused scoff. He opened it and gestured for Geno to go down. Geno decided to play along and went down.

He still didn't understand why he was here. Why had Ink called him and Fresh all the way from their own home?? Ink followed him, shutting the door. Geno yelped as the painter pushed past him.

Why was he so excited? Geno hadn't been down here in a while. He looked around as they entered the library. It was just as grand and breathtaking as he remembered.


Ink was so nervous! He paused for a moment, choking on ink before forcibly swallowing it back. He coughed, leaning against one of the shelves. Where was he?! He darted around the shelves until he finally found him near the back.

"Error!" He said quietly. The other was reading a book. He fizzled in shock and looked up at him before tipping his head. He folded his page and put the book on the shelf before turning to him.

"I-I-I-Ink, is something wr-wr-wrong? Come h-h-h-here." Error said firmly. His voice sounded a bit better. More like a voice. Ink greeted him softly, scampering over to him. Ink was so excited! Error gripped his chin, turning his head side to side. Ink blushed and squirmed. Error clicked his tongue. "I-I-Ink, calm down. Y-Y-Y-You're about to p-p-p-puke..."

Ink took a few deep breaths after a bit of convincing from Error. He beckoned for Error to follow him and he turned, running back to Geno. He came out and stopped. Geno was staring at a mirror on the wall, brow furrowed. He turned to Ink.

He jumped as he heard a loud stuttering noise from behind him. He whipped around. Error had crashed. He turned back to look at Geno, who had tears running down his face as he covered his mouth with one hand. His eye was wide. He turned back. Error was staring at him.

He dropped any expression he had and moved forward quickly, staring at Error. He reached out and paused. Error gave a quiet nod. "G-G-G-Go ahead..." He muttered, seeming like he was choking back tears himself. Geno hugged him and broke down, sobbing in delight. He pulled away, tears running down his face.

"H-how...?" He asked. Error mumbled something under his breath and shrugged. Ink gulped. Geno wasn't ready to hear about that. Not yet, at least. Geno pulled back and smiled at Error. "You brought yourself back!" He said, his voice choked with joy.

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