A Missing Link

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Cross continued to rub Nightmare's back. The other wasn't crying, but he'd pulled Cross to himself and was leaning against him, his head buried in his chest. He hadn't spoken for several minutes. Cross understood. He'd lost a friend. They both had.

And no doubt, Nightmare was also being influenced by the sad aura that swept through the house. It was from Dream. All of Nightmare's tentacles were wrapped around Cross tightly. Cross glanced over at Chara, who was sitting.

They stared at the ground, tears rolling down their ghostly face, seeming affected by the aura as well. Nightmare's tentacles began to flick and Cross took notice, looking down at the other. Nightmare shakily pulled back. He stared at Cross with a dull eye.

He began to push himself up and Cross reached out. "Nightmare, what're you doing?" He asked quietly. Nightmare glanced back at him and one of his tentacles instinctively reached for Cross as well, slipping between his fingers.

"I'm going to go see my brother." Nightmare answered in a quiet, yet firm tone. He'd already made up his mind. Cross nodded. It wasn't like he was going to stop the other either. He watched as Nightmare paused and stared down at his hands. He seemed to make a quiet decision and closed his eyes.

Cross watched as the goop began to drop off Nightmare's body. Slowly, it revealed his passive form. Cross felt his SOUL jump a little and he looked away. He loved when Nightmare looked like that, but now was not the time to be thinking about that.

Nightmare stared back at him with dark purple eyes. "Do you think he'll let me console him?" Nightmare's voice was soft, no longer rumbling. Cross gave a quiet sigh.

"I think you may be the only one that can console him." Cross admitted, sitting back on the bed. Nightmare nodded and turned before leaving the room. Cross watched as the door closed before standing.

Cross shrugged off his jacket and revealed his shoulders, where his bones had cracked from Horror's fingers. "Wouldn't be the first mark he's left." Cross muttered. He raised a hand and began to heal the wounds.

They sealed shut with a loud cracking noise. Cross hated that noise. He noticed Chara flinch out of the corner of his eye as well. He moved to the other shoulder before pulling his jacket back on. That felt much better.

Chara glanced up at him twitchily, trying to wipe their eyes. Cross sighed. "Chara. We have someone to attend to." He watched as the human scrambled up and drifted over next to him. He whipped out one of his knives and slashed a portal open, stepping through it.

He arrived back in the mansion, the entire building almost in rubble. He heard Freak screech in the theater and black stuff was spattered all over the walls. Cross blinked as he heard ragged breathing and turned to look back. There.

He walked over and used his knife to nudge a piece of the rafters off of Sci. The skeleton laid in pieces. His head was cracked open, dried black still running down from it. "Freak managed to rip that thing out from you, didn't he?" Cross murmured.

He reached out and Sci flinched away, inhaling shakily again. His torso and limbs were smashed to pieces, his SOUL exposed and cracking apart slowly. Very slowly. Cross blinked. He couldn't heal that.

His eyesockets were tear-filled and Cross understood what it was that Sci wanted him to do. He formed a small, glowing red blade before meeting Sci's eyes. He pressed the tip to Sci's throat and Sci gave a weak nod. Cross pushed the blade in and severed the neck.

Sci dusted away and Cross' fingers were stained. He stood up, staring at them. They brought back bad memories. He turned to the hallway and continued forward. He entered the theater and chairs had been uprooted and thrown. Freak laid halfway inside the stage, on his stomach, as his spindly legs ripped at Shattered.

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