A Poor Plan

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"No, I'll be fine... Okay... Love you!" Blue said cheerfully. He hung up the phone and turned to Dream. "Papy says I can stay since you're here!" Dream blinked before giggling and smiling.

"Are you gonna stay with Dust?" He teased. Blue's face lit up and he stuttered.

"I-I-It's okay if I stay on the c-couch!" He exclaimed. Dust spoke up next to him.

"He's staying with me." He said firmly. Blue lit up blue and covered his face. Dream laughed quietly. All of a sudden, they heard a raspy voice.

"What's going on?" Dream blinked and turned to look. Horror leaned against the wall. It was the first time they'd seen him up since his blowout. Dream perked up.

"Horror! You're up!" He exclaimed. Horror blinked before giving a twitchy nod. He slowly raised a hand and gripped the jagged hole in the side of his head. He twitched, yanking his head down to the left. He jumped, seeming spooked by something. He let go of his head and shuffled into the kitchen. Dream noticed Blue had ducked behind Dust.

Horror seemed unsure of what to do. He blinked before looking down. "Meat's in the fridge." Killer called. Horror blinked before perking up quietly. He nodded and went for the fridge. When he pulled back, he was carrying a chunk of meat as big as his chest. He dropped it on the counter. "There's no fucking way you'll eat all that!" Killer exclaimed, a bit taken back.

Horror gave him a surprised look before giving a soft scoff and licking his teeth. "Yeah? Bet." He said, his voice rasping before digging into the meat. They all blinked. Within less than five minutes, Horror had finished it. He grinned, blood running down his chin. Dream was thoroughly disturbed. He turned back to Blue and Dust, his brow furrowed.

He jumped as Killer made a mock gagging sound and he burst out into light giggling. "Killer!" He scolded.


Horror, you are going to get sick from that... Lust's worried voice brought Horror back as he drummed his bony fingers aimlessly against the counter. Horror blinked and nodded, really not caring. He heard Lust sigh. Are you going back to the room or are you going to stay out for a bit?

Horror furrowed his brow. "Might... stay out here for a bit... if that's okay..." He mumbled quietly. Lust blinked, seeming surprised before giggling.

Of course that is okay, silly... Lust said, giving a gentle smile. But I think I am going to go back and rest. Horror blinked and felt his SOUL sink a little. He didn't really want to go anywhere else without the other. Lust seemed to notice his discomfort before sighing. He drifted over the counter and gently pressed his teeth to Horror's again, causing that chilling feeling. I will be alright. Go talk to your friends.

With that, Lust turned and Horror watched quietly as Lust disappeared into the wall.


Lust could hear it. He blushed deeply to himself, holding his arms. Why was he like this? His ghostly body was becoming hot as he listened to the screams and moans from upstairs. The people in the living room were far too loud to hear it, but Lust could hear it here, in the hallway below it. He didn't know who it was. He didn't care either. But those sounds were delicious to him...

He needed a body. Lust felt his eyes light up. He NEEDED a body. He shivered, purple mist being blown from his mouth. He drifted in the hallway down to Horror's room. He froze as he heard a soft shuffling. He turned and faced Horror. He was trembling.

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