A Beast Released

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"So... you expect me to believe that you... Cross... are the fucking White Night, like in 'myths and legends.'" Killer used his hands to emphasize the quotations. Cross stared at him, expression unchanging as he dipped his head. Killer's SOUL had stabilized while in contact with Dream.

His eyelights flickered uncertainly. Cross sighed and motioned for Nightmare to take a step back. When he changed, Killer's shriek was laughable. "Holy FUCK!!" Cross blinked at him in his ghostly, impaled form. He reverted back to his solid one and Killer was shaking.

Dream reached out and placed a hand on Killer's shoulder, hoping to calm him down. It seemed to work. Killer was freaked out, but as soon as his gaze met Dream's, his gaze immediately softened. Dream gave him a weak smile.

Killer pulled Dream close to him, both of them sitting on the bed. "This thing. What did it call itself?" Nightmare asked, his tentacles waving uncertainly. Cross turned to Nightmare. Nightmare was shaken. Was this really the creature he'd dreamed about?? There was no way this thing could've been-

"Shattered Dream." Cross answered. Immediately, Nightmare's tentacles all curled in as he felt a bolt of shock rip through his chest. It was. Cross tipped his head, seeming confused by Nightmare sudden silence. "You recognize that name."

Both Dream and Killer turned to look at him too. Nightmare furrowed his brow. "I've dreamed of him before. Situations where you... Dream... ate a black apple so you could also feel my pain. It consumed you and corrupted you. The being that spawned called himself Shattered Dream." Nightmare explained shakily.

His tentacles waved wildly as he backed up. "But that's IMPOSSIBLE. Those dreams feel like they happened in another life..." Nightmare trailed off. Dream stared at him. "Those dreams are the ones that hurt the most."

Nightmare's hands were trembling as he kept them firmly tucked in his pockets. Cross approached him and gently pulled his hands out before sliding his fingers between Nightmare's. "Why're you so scared of it?" Cross asked softly. The look Nightmare gave him seemed to make him understand.

He, sure as fuck, wasn't about to say anything in front of Dream or Killer. Cross blinked and nodded. He leaned in. "Tell me later then." He said quietly, giving Nightmare's hands a quiet squeeze. Nightmare blinked and nodded back to him, his tentacles flicking.

"What are we going to do?? He's free." Dream said shakily. Cross turned to look at him.

"We hope for the best." Cross answered evenly. Nightmare glanced at him, unsure, but didn't say anything. He wasn't one for being optimistic.


Horror could feel tugging. There was tugging on his wrists and ankles as he laid in the bed in his room. He was curled up under his shredded blankets. One hand gripped his head while the other tapped in quiet patterns against his sheets. He paused and lifted his head twitchily.

"Lust?" He asked. His question went out to an empty room. Horror twitched and pushed himself up. "Lust." His voice broke a little. He didn't like it when the other wasn't with him.

All of a sudden, a searing pain shot through his torso. Horror's eyes were wide and his teeth were parted. That... that pain was horrifying. It felt like someone had impaled him. He shook for a moment. The pain faded away, but Horror was still frozen.

"Lust!!" He yelled, getting up. The ghostly ropes that connected him and Lust appeared. They had vanished up into the wall. Horror felt a dull throbbing in the place he'd just felt pain. He looked up. Lust appeared, drifting through the wall.

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