Chapter 1- Somewhere in Hiding

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No sooner had we gotten to class were we being shipped right back to homeroom, "How weird." Genna says confusedly,"I wonder why they're sending us back."

"Beats me. I'm just happy we don't have to sit through an hour of class to learn about what's on a word document." We both laugh at the well formed high school joke, eventually, we stopped almost as soon as we had started as our principal yells over the intercom: "EVERYONE GET TO A ROOM NOW THIS IS A LOCK DOWN! IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT ROOM JUST GET TO A ROOM!" He bellowed so loud I swear I went def for a second. Me and Genna got pulled into a room and thrown onto the floor next to other kids  who were crying and all you could hear was their hushed please "Please God I'm not ready to go. Please it's not my time." Their words sending chills through my bones.

I slowly turn my head until I am looking eye to eye with Genna, who also had a very a worried look upon her face. She tries to calm everyone down by saying, "I-It's gonna be okay. Their are police officers here. I-I'm sure we'll be fine." But the uncertainty and fear in her voice was clear to read.

For a minute everyone looked at each other pondering on what Genna had said. We had police officers with guns and they're suppose to keep us safe. Or at least that's what everyone was hoping at this point.

No sooner had everyone stopped crying and started trying to calm down we heard gun shots. They were close, too close for comfort in my opinion and by the looks on everyone else's face they weren't very at easy either. We then heard the petrified screams of one of our peers come from outside the door. It was a male scream that traveled through vents and made you want to cover your ears and hide. Then the screaming stopped and all of a sudden a kid was pulled into the room and you could hear his quite sobs as he went limp in the arms of the teacher. He looked familiar but I couldn't see over the crowed of heads in front of me. Mutters of fear began to spread through the room putting the mood back to sad and terrified, just the same as it was when we pulled in here.

The kid got pushed to the back of the crowd just like every other freshmen to weak to fight for a spot closer to a window in case this got any worse then it all ready was. Those kids would be the first to leave. As for the kid who had gotten pushed to the back I finally realized who it was. It was my best friend and the only one who could make this situation any better.... JACOB.Finally. I thought to myself. A good thing, "Jacob," I look at him with a block of uncertainty in my throat. It was the most serious I had ever been in my entire lifetime and I finally asked the question everyone had been avoiding talking about...,"What the hell is happening out their? "

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