Chapter 7- I don't like this

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Josh's POV

I don't know what to think about Natalia she is acting so different. It's weird because she was the person who was so nice always was smiling and was nice to EVERYONE. But now she has Jacob pinned against a wall with an overly aggressive look on her face. I have to do something. i think to myself. I grab her shoulder and tell her to calm down. She stairs at me for a minute then releases Jacob from her iron death grip.

He drops to the ground grasping for air. Apparently she had him pinned enough to the point of lack of oxygen. She glances back at him and walks toward him and says, "Listen, I'm sorry but we can't be dragging you along so you have to be fast and strong. We need to work as one and we honestly can't afford to drag around dead weight. I need to know that you can hold yourself up on your own. There is nothing wrong with helping each other but you can't always do that you're gonna need to do it on your own at some point," This is when she directed it at everyone. "At this point we HAVE to head out of here because all we are gonna get from here is more bomb drops and attacks.We need to get somewhere safe and I just so happen know a place." She said smiling at everyone a grin of confidence in my opinion,"Where there are weapons, perishable food, and a good place to set up camp for a night or two. BUT there is's two and a half miles away. It will be a long trip but i think we can do it. We have temporary weapons to defend ourselves but they won't stay sharp forever....SO....don't kill until you have to....Okay?" Everyone nods in agreement.

I look over towards Natalia who seemed rather pleased with herself, "Jeez Natalia," She looked up at me confusedly,"Two and a half miles.... are you sure its worth it?" She slowly looks down at her feat and then back at me with a twisted smile.

"Is it worth it? He asks, two and a half miles he says.  Well I don't see you here coming up with a plan for weapons and food and camp here." I think for a minute...she's right granted it will take a while but the place she is talking about seems to have everything we need. However I don't like the attitude she gave with that, 

"You know that's not what I meant Natalia, I meant we need a safer plan than this one. Isn't there anything else?" Natalia shook her head and took a breath,

"Sorry, it's just. It's not like we have a lot of options." I nod me head,

:I understand just calm down okay? Like I said before we are all okay." Genna steps forward from and group and then starts to talk....she had been quite up until this point.....That's new.

"I think we need ...... a 'Leader'.... some one to lead us and be the one who is responsible for how we go about this plan and how we will go about others. Maybe that will settle some of our anxiety?" Everyone grumbled in agreement. I agree with her though, we need someone to lead and be a good leader at that,"Any suggestions?" She asks. Jacob then steps up

"I'll do it." Genna laughs and he glares at her and she says,

"Sorry  Jacob but we need someone who we can all agree on, or at least most of us can agree on." Jacob slams his hand on his chest and makes a sarcastic offended face. "Anyone else?" I raise my hand," You want to?" Genna asks me,

"No..." I said slowly, "I think it should be Natalia, I mean she already is kinda the leader. She came up with a plan and everyone seems to listen to her. So, I mean, why not Natalia?" Everyone stops their quiet talk and look at her. Genna speaks again,

"Any opposition?" No one moved, no one spoke, and then Genna started again," Alrighty then... it's settled. Natalia is the leader........."

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