Chapter 8- Fear

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Genna's POV

I don't know what sparked it, but after Josh said it should be Natalia that lead the group I saw a new found spark of hope in everyone's eyes. Like 'yeah maybe she can be the one she's tough, she is strong, she knows whats good for the group. YEAH she's good' look in their eyes.

So as of right now the group is






Us five against the world this new world order. It seemed like it was gonna be that way for a while. I don't mind it as much now that we have other people to watch our backs for us. We are like a family.....Yeah....Like a big trusting family.

As we were nearing being about 1/4 of the way there, I noticed nothing much has really happened to us. It has just been us dodging groups of zombies. Which is pretty good seeing as I kinda dropped my wood piece at school. I wanted tell Natalia but I was afraid to. I was afraid she'd kick me out of the group and I was afraid- "Genna?" My train of thought came a crashing stop and my eyes slowly made their way to Natalia's, "Where is your piece of wood?" Natalia looked blankly at me.

"Well, Ya see....I.... I kinda dropped it at school...." I tense up waiting for the yelling. The group looks at me then back at her.

"You dummy." She said with a kind smile on her face, "You should've told me. I would've found you a new weapon by now. Don't you know you could've been hurt or worse? Your lucky we did't run into any real trouble." I un-tense my body and stare at her,

"Th-that's it? N-No yelling kicking me out of the group no 'your such an idiot get the fuck out of my face'?" She looks at me confusedly.

"No why would there be?" I couldn't help but stare at her in shock, after what she did to Jacob I would have expected some sort of punishment. But instead she laugh at my shock in her, "That's only for when we first run into people so they are intimidated. I would never yell at you guys like that unless it was for an emergency." She looks around at the very surprised group, "What? We can't give up on each other right now...we are all each other have." She's right and we have to be there for each other. Natalia looks at the ground and grabs a rock. It was a moderately sized rock. She took it and threw it at the ground and by the looks of it... as hard as she could. She picked up a piece and then gave me her wood piece, "You use this. I will use this rock piece." I look at the piece of rock in her hand, it was thick at the bottom with a rounded edge. Where as the top was thin and sharp. Thin enough to be the top but not thin enough to break as soon as it hit a zombie.

"Thank you Natalia" I said happily re leaved. She smiled at me and we started on our way again.... 

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