Book 2- Chapter 1- WHO, WHAT, Where, When, WHY?

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Josh's POV

Natalia is standing in front of me when it all went DOWN HILL. We heard a scream from inside the house that echoed through the trees, "YOU'VE BEEN BITTEN ALL THIS TIME AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!" I glance at Natalia who was already sprinting towards the house.  I follow on her heals. She pushes the door open as fast as she can. We both barge in to see everyone against the side of the house and Jacob looking at them as white as a ghost. Natalia quickly walks over to him and grabs his arm and pulls up his long sleeve shirt to reveal a bite mark. Natalia throws his hand back by his side. She goes to start yelling at him but he hold up a finger. 

"Listen. It's not a bite. When we were all going out that window so fast there was a piece of wood sticking out of the frame that caught my arm. SO if I had been bitten don't you think I would've turned by now?"  Natalia slowly nods her head and then turns looking at me. I glance back at Jacob and then at her and start speaking very slowly,

"Well you story is believable we are gonna lock you off in your own little room and....wait...a...few...days?" I look at Natalia for an opinion. She nods her head and looks back at Jacob,

"Yeah....yeah. That's a good idea and then we will see were we are at in a few days. Alright?" Jacob nods his head,

"That's fair."  He nods his head. Natalia gently grabs his elbow and leads him upstairs and gives him his own room. Natalia walks back down,

"Okay so he is all set up in his room. With food for the next three days and stuff to do so......Yeah" She nods her head and then pull her hair back into a messy pony and lets out a stressed sigh. I walk over towards her and backward hug her,

"Listen Natalia. We are gonna be okay you are a great leader and I am a great co-leader. We are gonna get homes for all these people and Jacob is gonna be FINE. Trust me." She nods her head and lets out another sigh,

"Okay, You're right. We are gonna be........O...K" She pulls away from my hug and plops down onto the couch that was in the living room in the house. I turn towards the group of people and look at Mr. Smith,

"Is everyone else okay?" He nods his head at me, "Okay so every teen and tween step over here." I gesture towards the empty space next to me. A group of about fifteen kids walk next to me.  I look at them and say "Okay now out of you anyone who is sixteen and up step on this side of me." About eight of the kids walk to the other side of me, "Now all of you older kids go back with the adults. You will be helping building the wall to make it bigger so we can have more houses for you guys to live in. While you younger kids,while I know this will suck. Will be baby sitting the smaller kids so they don't get hurt."  I look around to see most people nod and some of the younger kids groan. I chuckle to myself. Hey this is they easier stuff they don't even know what we are gonna do. "Okay so now all over the older people come with me and come help expand the wall. If we work herd enough we can have this whole village surrounded by wall. While all the younger kids are gonna stay here with Dessy and she is gonna help watch the kids." Dessy looked taken back and stomps her foot,

"REALLY just cause I'm Hispanic your gonna stick me with the kids?" She said sarcastically. I smile, it's because she is good with kids and she knows it. 

"Alright....Let's get to work everyone!." I clap my hands together and we start to head out...

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