Chapter 16- So stupid

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Dessy's POV

Josh turned away from the window with tears running down his face and he looked at us and said,"We need to head towards that big rock over there." He points at a huge rock that was through the forest. He climbs off the roof onto the deck railing and onto the deck. He starts sprinting towards the forest. We all follow him. But Genna runs up next to him,

"Where's Natalia?" He looks at her angrily.

"She is at the house. Back in the room." He turns back towards the oncoming forest. But Genna didn't let him get much farther. She grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him towards her face and slapped him. That's 2 and 0 for Genna.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!" He rubs his cheek and looks at her confusedly, "SO YOU JUST LEFT HER THERE TO DIE!?"

"SHE'S NOT GONNA DIE!" He screamed at her angrily,

"IS THAT WHY WE HAVE BEEN RUNNING FOR FIVE MINUTES AND HAVE YOU HEARD EVEN ONE GUN SHOT? ONE CRY FOR HELP ONE I'M COMING GUYS WAIT UP?" Genna had a point. Josh's face goes serious and he turns towards the house and sees the window he had climbed out filled with zombies.

"No..." He said quietly, "NO!" He started sprinting towards the house again Genna tries to follow him but he shouts behind him, "Head for the top of the rock we'll meet you there!" I look at Genna and Jacob,

"We better go to the top. It's what he told us to do." Genna looks at the forest and at the rock. She nods her head and we start running towards the rock.

Josh's POV

How could I be so  stupid. She said all of those mean things so  I wouldn't die. I should've seen it. But like she said before. Be one step ahead of the game. I run up onto the deck onto the railing on the roof and crawl towards the window. Zombies start to try and reach for me. I take out my hand held and shot them in the head. I flung myself through the window and pull out my knife. I stab the zombies that surround me and the put my knife in my belt. I role through there legs onto the box-sping that was on the floor. I shot the remaing zombies I hear more start to come up the stairs. I pick up the box-spring and try to push it against the door way like Natalia had. She must be really strong to be able to pick this thing up its really heavy. I manage to prop it up. But it was weird. There was a slit in the bottom of it. I rip it open so it was bigger. I open it to find Natalia hiding inside the box-spring.  She was shaking and had her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and met my stare. She was momentarily confused but then knew what was happening. She smiled shakily and said sarcastically,

"S-see I-I told you I-I could handle myself" I shake my head

"I knew you didn't mean any of it." She shook her head.

"I didn't want you to die. Just because of me."

"Well I kinda figured that out after Genna slapped some reason into me" She laughed. But she was still shaky. I Pulled her out of the box-spring. She laughed again,

"Why is it that your always saving me?" I smile at her she heads for the window,

"Natalia wait." I need to say something.,

Natalia's POV

I turn towards him confusedly. he walk towards me, "Listen if we are always gonna be in danger like this then I have to tell you something." I nod my head. But he lied. He didn't say anything he grabbed my waste and pulled me close. He leaned down towards me grabbed my chin so I was looking up at him. He leaned in even closer and pulled me into a kiss. He was so warm, I felt safe in his arms. I felt like if I just stayed right there forever I'd be okay. We stood there for what seemed like forever. Just in the room. Right at this moment I feel happy.  He slowly releases me from his grip and I get off my tippy toes. Which I didn't even realize I was on. I guess he was just so tall that I just wanted to 'Help' a little.  He let out a happy sigh his face now beat read, "Well," I look at him, "We should probably get going then." He nodded and he jumped out the window I was taken back. Is he really gonna do this? Just do THAT and then.... no that's not happening. he shouts up at me. "RACE YOU THERE!" I smile and let out a chuckle,

I jump out the window and a head of him "EAT MY DUST!" I screamed back at him. He lets out a playful laugh,

"Not in this apocalypse" He joked.

"Your in trouble I know this forest like the back of my hand!" He sprints ahead of me and starts sprinting backwards...

"Then why are you going so slow?"

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