Chapter 9- The Underdogs

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Natalia's POV

I don't know why everyone thought I was gonna flip out on Genna for dropping her piece of wood at school. I just wanted to get her another one so she wouldn't be in danger if we ran into trouble. I mean really there are fires everywhere from all of the. That's when I realized something that I should've realized forever ago....."I AM SUCH AN IDIOT!" Everyone in the group goes silent and looks at me in surprise, "Okay so you see all of these fires?" Everyone slowly nodded their heads in confusion," Alright, these fires are from cars and I'm sure that at least one of them are not so badly beaten." Everyone starts to look at each other finally understanding what I was getting out, "Does anyone now how to hot wire a car if we need to?" Gavin slowly raises his hand.

"Yeah, sadly, I can say I do. Me and my dad worked on some cars over the summer so I know what to do to get one started." I froze, how could I have been so stupid? I forgot all about my family.... But that's an even further walk and even if we do find a car it might not have that much gas. I guess I'm not the only one who was thinking about their family because all of a sudden Genna starts to break down and cry. Soon I see everyone start to shed tears and just fall to there knees crying. I myself start to cry, BUT, I have to be strong. For the sake of everyone here at least SOMEONE has to be strong. I stand up and through all of their sobs they look at me,

"Listen." I say with confidence. Though it wasn't real confidence I just have to make everyone believe that everything is okay, and that it will stay that way. "I know that we all have people we love and care about. BUT. We can't just sit here and cry about that fact, because they care about us to. If we just sit here and cry then we are gonna get mobbed by zombies and getting killed. We have to have faith that our families are all okay, don't you think they'd want us to do that? We can't think about the bad, all it will do is drive you insane. Now we have to be strong, not only for our own sanitizes but FOR OUR FAMILIES!....Now.... WHO'S WITH ME?" I see heads one by one start to stare at me and those faces turned into people standing by my side when I knew everyone was okay and had faith and was not insane. I look around the group. "Guys put your hands in the middle for me." They all start to pile their hands on top of mine."Guys, we are the underdogs. We are the people who were voted least to make it in the world. But this right now, Is proving the world wrong. We are our own last fighting chance. We can get through and we WILL see our families again. So I have just one question for you all." I said with a smile," WHO ARE WE?!?!"

"WE ARE THE UNDERDOGS!" They shout in happy response,



"1...2...3... LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE UNDERDOGS!!!!" Everyone flails their hands to the air with smiles as wide as the sea. Some people might have said we had our confidence back. I say it never left. I chime into the chatter with my famous adventure word.


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