Chapter 4- Run...

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After me and Genna both gather ourselves and I was standing on my own and so was Genna I reached for the door handle and look at Genna. "Are you ready?" I ask myself more than her at this point. She looks at me with uncertainty in her eye and nodded her head slowly."We're gonna have to run, you do understand that right?" She nods her head again." Alrighty then...." I said with a sigh, "Let's go."  I unlock the door and then slowly open it. I was met with a face of one of the monsters and I screamed. But out of our reflex I push it back and it fell. I grab Genna's hand and sprint around the corner with Genna so close behind me she was almost on my heels. I slow down to a stop as we come to the next corner. I put my back against the wall and peak around. I look back at Genna and quietly i say to her, "Alright so, there is a group of them around this corner I think we can dodge around them and then run up the flight of stairs that are directly after them."  She nods her head again this time a little more confidently. She hasn't been talking much since we left the bathroom. But, she'll talk when she needs to or when she wants to. I hush my voice down to an even quieter whisper and hold up three fingers," 3...." One finger down, "2..." another finger down, "1..."  the last finger went down and I said in a bit of a louder whisper, "GO!"  Genna sprints around the group but as luck would have it, I get cornered by two of them. I look for something to fight with anything at this point would be helpful. There was nothing I could see and the monsters were growing ever near. I guess this is my end. I think to myself as I felt the sting of tears burn my eyes. I close my eyes ready for the pain to come...but it never did, I heard two loud metallic thuds. I open my eyes to see Genna standing in front of me with a bloody fire extinguisher and a smile. Through panting breath she says,

"Don't think..." She takes in a large gasp," your getting out of this that easy." She laughs and I let out a soft chuckle and a happy sigh of relief,

"Thanks Genna, you really saved my skin just now." She smiled at me and gave me a 'it-was-nothing look. I smiled back and then looked to my left and saw the monsters walking towards us and I quickly said," Alright now we gotta get back in track."  Again she nods but with much more confidence now. " Let's go then."  I say just as confident and with a grin across my face.

We bolt up the stair like a race, but she won. We dash around the corner to see the school in pieces this side of the school had gotten the worst of it. I grab Genna's arm to keep her from running off the edge and falling to a very unpleasant time. I was gonna say something but I hear a boys voice from the classroom next to us. We walk in and see another kid I've seen around school his name is Gavin I believe. He was stuck under a piece of wall from the blast just like Jacob had been. I almost puked at the thought of almost the same thing in front of me again. I quickly shook off the thought before Genna could notice I was in distress. She looked me and said,"what do you think those things were?" I shook my head,

"I think it's kind of obvious but I think their zombies. I mean the way they walk and the way they attack is a lot like that of a zombie in a movie so I think that's the smartest answer." She nodded her head but then looked down at Gavin who was still under a piece of wall." Genna walks over to him and grabs the wall but I stop her,

"What? " she questioned confusedly, I look at her and then Gavin.

" Have you been bitten? "  I've seen enough zombie movies to know what happens after someone gets bit. He shakes his head and tries to move the wall. Me and Genna crouch down to him an I look at him and say " Okay we are trusting you but if you're lying we're gonna have to abandon you, do you understand?" He quickly nodded his head again and with that  we move the wall off of him and look at his body and he wasn't lying, he wasn't bitten. Good. But under that piece of wall was one other person it was Josh he must of gotten caught in the blast and he must have been completely stuck under the wall. He didn't look bitten but he looked like he was in pain. Well, to be fair, so would I if I was stuck under a piece of wall for like a half hour. Me and Genna helped them both up. While Genna explains to them what had happened I look around the room and see a small sharp piece of wood. It must have blown off of come the shelf behind it. I took it and thought to myself, it's cheap point should be sharp enough to get through one of those guys head if I swing hard enough. I turn around and see them looking at me." Find more pieces like this. They will probably make good weapons against those things, well better than then your fists anyway. But, aim for the head, that's the easiest way to kill them. But these are just temporary weapons." I think for a moment and then continue speaking," I know a place were there are way better fighting tools. It's a while away from here but it's worth it in the long run. Trust me."  They all nod in agreement.

Genna looks at me and says "What about the roof? "

I look at her  and then look up and say "What roof?"  she looks up and gives me her. Yeah-that's-not-the-best-idea-anymore look. Everyone has their piece of wood now and knows how to use it. "Let's go!" I shout as we bolt back downstairs with our new found confidence and a plan in the horizon.

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